was haltet ihr von der militanten veganerin??


ich bin eben durch ein yt short auf die militante veganerin gestoßen und hab mir ein paar videos von ihr angeschaut.

ich (persönlich) lebe nicht vegan und werde es voraussichtlich auch nie werden, da gibt es nichts zu rütteln. allerdings habe ich auch nichts gegen veganer/vegeatrier.

ich finde sie wirklich unhöflich. also wie sie andere beleidigt die nicht ihren Vorstellungen entsprechen und alles runtermacht was ihr nicht passt.

sie hat zwar auch teils recht, aber auch wieder nicht.

zum einen, eier. ich weiß nicht was daran schlecht sein soll. weil, wenn sie nicht befruchtet sind, tötet man auch keine küken und das schadet im Endeffekt niemandem. sie sagte dass man hühner als Maschinenen ansieht und dass das schlecht wäre. im grunde hat sie ja recht, aber bei tierfreundlichen “firmen” (ich komm grad nicht auf das wort), werden die hühner gut behandelt. und hühner bekommen Unterkunft und was zu essen, und dafür legen sie eier die wir essen. das ist doch eigentlich nur ein tausch. wir menschen machen das ja auch nicht anders. wir geben geld dafür, dass wir was zu essen bekommen. das ist doch im Endeffekt das gleiche.

das hier ist schon viel länger geworden als ich gedacht hab und daher belasse ich es dabei.

mich würde allerdings eure Meinung zu ihr und so interessieren.

vielen dank und ich wünsche euch noch einen schöneb Abend

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2 years ago

In general, I do not think of fanatics who are acting as if they are more moral than others and not just want to mission, but also condemn all those who are not in their opinion.

I want everyone to eat what he wants and nobody else has to judge.

You’re right about the eggs. Dairy cows are miserable if you don’t milk them, the wild stock has to be regulated and farm animals wouldn’t exist if you don’t need them anymore – because you can’t just throw them out.

In addition, every one-sided diet is unhealthy – especially for children, animal proteins are indispensable.

However, I have something against non-article mass animal husbandry. But without the need could not be met – at least not yet. Perhaps in vitro meat is the future, supplemented with organic meat from art-friendly attitude and wild. We should all eat less meat, but a renunciation is absolutely unnecessary and insane.

2 years ago

Regardless of whether it is right, the “MilitanteVeganerin” is a thoroughly and through extremist person. And I say that as someone who is against excessive meat consumption. This woman attacks people openly, exposes them publicly and insults them like a bleak child. It only accepts its own opinion and is in no way capable of dialogue. Freedom of expression and “the dignity of man.” are obviously not relevant points in the life of this woman. In addition, she thinks totally totalitarian. Everyone who doesn’t live 100% vegan is a killer, a raper and a racist in their eyes. These are very alarming attitudes that come very close to classical fascism.

2 years ago

Be vegetarian, was also a year vegan in the meantime.

I can’t start much with her. Such types of vegans contribute to the fact that all vegans/vegetarians are stamped as fanatics by superficial people, as people who only have the goal to mission meat-eating and make them a bad conscience.

That’s not the right way. Of course, you can draw attention to some things and even shouldves(stitchword mass animal husbandry), but ultimately everyone has to decide themselves and above all you should be happy for anyone who thinks about it or at least does not try to buy the cheap meat or eat less meat…I am happy for everyone more reflected, and he does not have to be a full blood vegan.

2 years ago

I don’t think of her at all. Just find them obsolete and annoying. And even though I feed myself vegan. But the woman doesn’t go for me at all.

2 years ago

I represent his opinion:


2 years ago

It is the living proof that today’s society has hardly any idea of agriculture.

2 years ago

Oh, that’s just show, she wants to polarize and that’s exactly what she achieves.

And at the end of the day, she surely pushes a cheap carving out of the aldi.

2 years ago

I think she’s a psychopath.