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she has found a theme to represent herself. she is less and less concerned with veganism than advertising for her own person.
I basically don’t think of militant people. They can’t bother and make themselves important.
She should eat a really good steak, then she’ll be a little better;-).
A clear case for a psychologist. Nothing against vegans who leave other lifestyles to stand, but if the non- Vegans are called animal killers, tolerance stops.
She has met a nerve with her kind of communication and is extremely successful with it.
I can’t understand the excitement. Their core position “Don’t be vegan is not ok” is refreshingly different and unique in our tolerant to softly rinsed time.
That’s good. It is not necessary to grow up just because someone has a fundamentally different opinion. On the contrary – I find it very beneficial that people show such a clear profile.
simple: 🚮
The same as the last time. Take a look at yourself.
A deplorable mental sick.
I’ve never had anything to do with the lady. It only appears in questions here at GF.
Because I don’t care about such a chat, I don’t care about it either.