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I myself don’t like it like this (so on me) because I don’t like dressing up and wigs, contact lenses and make up aren’t my thing. I can’t sew or anything else. At the best, I would order clothes that look like a character and then wear them to trade fairs or something. In itself, however, I find it cool and I am always impressed when other people can do it well or that looks good at them.
I love Cosplay. You can turn into every character you like. You’ve got all the freedoms.
It is always grnial to work on his cosplay. Put every amount of time into the detail. In the end, you can go to measure where you can marvel other cosplay.
Cosplay is just a hobby that connects. That’s how cool people met.
Don’t be interested, but if I see a video where a costume is tied together and then the final product is shown, then I often find quite cool. But I myself wouldn’t do it. But in itself as a hobby I find quite normal, everyone is doing something different.
It’s a cool hobby to dress up as his favorite characters, has never been done personally, but will try. Looks fun.
I can only steal it from you.
Jap my first idea was Katara from Avatar the last Airbender in her firenation outfit. Find the mega beautiful 😍
Thank you I will have
Much fun
I will
Well, start.
I find cool, especially when people create their cosplays themselves – is a very creative activity that also promotes craft skills. In the sense: A beautiful hobby! Look at the work process and the results.
Find me good
I like to cosplay it only twice at a fair I do not make it so extreme with it and so because I have no idea and with contact lenses I also have problems because my eyes are sensitive I have also thought about making cosplays the reality has caught me fast but that I cannot sew and all that belongs to it
For me ridiculous. I have never liked to dress myself, even as a child at carnival or as an Easter bunny and so.
I love it. I admire the attention to detail that many cosplay he put in their costumes. I just can’t get tired of it. When I went to convenrions earlier, the holiday was for my head. I always enjoyed it.
Isn’t that mine – although I’d let myself be persuaded to strike a StarTrek convention as a Borg.
However, I also find it impressive, with how much attention to detail some cosplayer even prepare their costumes themselves. I guess I couldn’t.
I’m Cosplay Photographer and Cosplayer myself.
Find it is a very cool thing.
I love to make it, to be creative, to challenge me by craftsmanship and to trick into problem solutions.
Once a photo from my photographer portfolio
That was my first armor I made.
It’s a nice hobby. Some people can do it better than others, but that’s the case with everything. It’s nothing for me personally.
I’m not dressing so often. When I was 5-10, I did it on Halloween, but then I just found it a waste of money.
It’s nothing for me, but it’s always cool to see people who do it. And the effort behind it is so often so great, finds simply cool ^^
I always find very cool. What I don’t like is people who then put others down or appear very arrogant and think they’re superhuman, just because they’ve invested more time than others in their hobby.
These are the Toxic cosplayer
I love it when women do it. I’m very hot.
So if I find it nice to see who has fun, you should do and make the world a little more beautiful with it.
It’s not mine, but maybe yours.
Find me mega and love it
I think it’s cool.
Don’t eat my case now, but I think it’s impressive how much love and creativity put some in it. A nice hobby for those who like that.
I’d like to take a look. Close my costumes also like themselves.
It’s cool