Was haltet ihr vom Schulschwimmen.? Findet ihr es sinnvoll?
Also ich für meinen Teil hatte bis ich 15 Jahre alt war, regelmäßig Schwimmunterricht ( vom Sportunterricht aus. Schwimmen gehörte zum Gegenstand Sport). Ich habe es immer sehr gerne gemacht und gehe auch in der Freizeit gerne schwimmen. Inzwischen bin 18 Jahre alt und habe in der Oberstufe leider kein Schwimmen mehr.
Ich lese allerdings immer wieder, dass Schwimmunterricht in der pubertät nicht sinnvoll ist wegen mobbing etc. Meiner Meinung nach müssen Lehrer bei Mobbing im Schwimmunterricht eben eingreifen. Ich finde auch , dass die Periode kein Grund ist ständig den Sportunterricht oder Schwimmen zu schwänzen.
Allerdings finde ich, dass beim Sportunterricht und Schwimmunterricht das Bemühen im Vordergrund stehen sollte und nicht das Können
Wie seht ihr das? Seid ihr für oder gegen verpflichtenden Schwimmunterricht?
Swimming was one of my absolute favorite subjects. Fortunately, I’ve been through from 5th to 10th grade.
We always had 2 hours a week swimming lessons and I was very happy every time.
Swimming lessons were an independent subject with us and were evaluated independently of sports lessons.
In the event of annotation, we actually had only the effort and not the ability.
I think swimming lessons are particularly important because more and more children and young people cannot swim properly.
Against bullying you can’t do much because children will always find a reason to mobb others. The only way to stop bullying is to drive a 0-tolerance line at my school and throw mobber right away from school.
You shouldn’t flatter that. I’m lucky with my period that I’m not in pain. But in my parallel class there was the case, because the teacher has forced a girl who was medically forbidden to act during the period to swim.
She could not really concentrate on swimming due to the pain and would almost drowned and even had to be taken to the hospital.
This is now an extreme case and the swimming instructor was dismissed and sentenced to 8 months in parole due to negligent body injury.
Thank you:) If it is medically prohibited it is of course something else. But, in my opinion, period/publication is not a reason for not participating in sports classes.
Basically, I liked swimming rather than normal sports lessons.
Nevertheless, I do not think swimming lessons in schools are sensible. It is from cost-benefit ratio a single fiasco, much logistical effort for nothing. In my class, nobody could swim better than before. But the teachers couldn’t do anything, that’s because of the structure: At 90 minutes every 20 minutes is in the water – the rest goes for moving, explanations and bus ride to the indoor swimming pool. In a short time, nothing can be learned…
I’m against it. Reasons:
With us on the Baltic Sea it has always been a duty of swimming. In kindergarten started 2. And 4th grade and then again in 10. Great if I remember right now. I think kids should learn to swim at times. I see it as a livelihood swimmer and volunteer swimming instructor that many children and young people cannot really swim. Other aspects should be the focus. And yes, all have to act against bullying and speak openly about everything and explain.
I think it’s best, at the latest in the 6th grade. The class teacher has already recognized his mopping players hopefully and can make a “tangerous speech”. It’s embarrassing for a highly civilized Germany that so many cannot swim because of that.
You could learn it a lot earlier.
Yeah, I’ve been able to do it with 6 because in a bicycle width was a big outdoor swimming pool. But today there are residential houses, the municipalities are all broke.
Too bad.
In primary school I find it important to learn how to swim, unfortunately not all parents show their children or report them to a swimming course.
I had swimming up to the 10th grade, from autumn to winter in the three weeks rhythm (thus three weeks swimming then three weeks indoor sports) girls and boys were separated. I didn’t have a shit on it anyway, so I got a one in cooperation.
I thought it was useful because some were really insecure in the water and got so practice. Since a party of ordination has hunted the next in the area and also grilling on the Danube was cool, you should at least be able to keep yourself above water.
Mobbing was generally a lot but not in swimming lessons.
But I think it’s good that young and girls are separated with you
Yes I also found, but I don’t know if this is still the case, I’ve been out of school since 2007
School swimming lessons, always makes sense.
Even if I can understand that you don’t enjoy it.
Nevertheless, it is important to always participate….
We only swim in the primary school and then in the higher stage only in the summer as compensation.
I find school swimming very important. Just because fewer and fewer children can swim.
With us this was also part of the sport note and I found it well.
I honestly don’t like what if jmd is wearing head towel or someone’s never swung is there also pedo teachers let the guys swim all the time and unfairly note
This statement cannot be met so flatly, there are many girls who have very strong their period and possibly also really strong pain, I don’t know if you are a woman or a man and that obviously cannot understand.
And even not every girl likes to use a tampon if you have your period.
In general, I also found swimming lessons very great when it is really not only intended for planning but also for learning.
I’m a girl and never had a problem with the period.
Then you can appreciate yourself happy, I know others who suffer right from it, have severe pain, have extremely strong their period and so on, that is, you shouldn’t just assume it just because it’s a good thing for yourself (I was always a happy and had hardly any pain) that it is for others too.
Of course, it is important to teach a child to swim as early as possible. For my part, I only had swimming lessons in the 4th grade and it was the absolute hell. All the others from my class were not yet in puberty, and accordingly their bodies did not look like mine. I’ve had a very large surface, a lot of body hair and my days. I even had such panic that I had panic attacks early before the swimming lessons…
I find it generally that you should get rid of sports lessons – as well as swimming lessons , because I don’t think it’s a good thing – since most children can swim anyway – to be pampered out. Movement yes, sports/swimming lessons No.
I think that one should take a swim lessons once in the 3rd/4th class for the children who do not have the seahorse yet. Say, you make Z.b. every Thursday the first 2 hours of swimming, where the children attend who can’t swim yet and in time have the children who can already swim another compartment. So Z.b. German or English.
In addition, I find that important things should be taught during school swimming. So teach Z.b. a good swimming technique, or teach how to save ANDERE from the water without going down. With us Z.b. it was found to be important that the children have to jump from the pool edge and then can make a forward role in the water. Absolutely stupid when you ask me.
Yes is true since as a parent you can teach your child to swim and if there is no swimming course
You can cover the body with long swimwear, like many foreign girls. It goes without a towel. Seahorses, the right badges and lifeguards are, of course, three levels that are far apart. If you were so different about the preliminary knowledge of the students, I can imagine that both the students and teachers are overwhelmed and you cannot reach so much in the few hours.
I don’t think that swimming is more or less pampered than other school subjects. Perhaps there are some who are not so good in it, but you cannot be among the best in everything.
Look at it from the perspective of others who have difficulty mental exertion and who do nothing better than physically move. For them, the school system offers too little, otherwise as good as everything is just head work.
Scars can be covered. Violations with which you cannot enter the water are something else. As far as I remember, the girls didn’t have to attend swimming lessons during the period. There were more guys who wanted to press.
In swimming lessons are much stronger than in sports.
School swimming should promote a lot. Fun, safety in the water, concentration, body control… On the one hand, he shows himself very positive and arrives well, but on the other hand he also presents some challenges for many students.
Why should one be free from swimming lessons in scars? Is nothing but thick to be satisfied with the thighs or with the thigh. And of course, teachers should intervene in bullying or hazelnuts. Only this is usually done in the hidden. And there is often enough one to find this or that doof on me so that you have no bock on. Rather, you have to educate children to accept themselves and others as you are.
And thema period: Even if most of the girls are using tampons (and so you can easily get into the water) Every woman thing isn’t that. And then you don’t want to take Tampon now instead of bandage, that’s what I think is not going.
We only had a swim in primary school. But I loved it.
Swimming lessons are definitely useful. Even though many parents are still in the opinion of seahorses you can swim No you can only keep suffering over water for a short period. For one-dimensional safe swimming, at least the bronze badge is required
School swimming in primary school is about giving children the ability and basis of swimming. Not every child has the opportunity to visit a swimming course. I find that very useful because it can be a vital ability to survive.
I do not think swimming lessons in the secondary school are more or less sensible than any other discipline in sports. It is about movement, change and just about demonstrating specific achievements.
From the pure activity, swimming has always been fun for me, but it is much more complicated for it. I do not believe that there are more opportunities for bullying than other sports lessons, or teaching in general.
I can understand why the school wants to do this, it makes sense.
Only for many young people it is unpleasant to stand so half naked in front of everyone or to suffer from the power pressure. Sometimes something stupid was always a bit annoying for me and also time-consuming to moan with the stupid hair afterwards
It’s a good thing to deal with. Just if you can’t swim.
But it’s always important that teachers also know. It’s not always the case.
The visit was mandatory in the fifth class for all those who had no free float. All the others had any wpks. Alternatively, you were not allowed to go to class. Why? Was there where many lakes were and from five days, we were three swimming.
I also find very useful:)
It’s safe.
my mother was windsurfing with her eight-winders at the time and only took swimmers. You can’t organize this with two teachers per class. If you are not swimming, you need one to one
Sports lessons have been in criticism for the music and the military drill for a long time. I don’t find swimming lessons as beautiful as “normal” lessons in the hall. I think the Ministry of Education or the school office, or whoever is responsible, should think about the problem and also look at how many people consider it a problem. (or not).
Swimming lessons should be distributed just in the curriculum so not too often but not at all as volleyball or basketball we are 5 years each year in sports.
Swimming is very important and every child should learn quite early in school. There have been many people who couldn’t swim. This is reduced.
Yes, very sensible. The importance of sports activities is still neglected. Often you can see people who are already at 40/50 physical wrecks. This often depends on the fact that they have never really moved in their entire life. This trend will increase in the coming years and will lead to an enormous burden on the health system. The human body is “made” to move with its strong legs. Children must be brought up early. Swimming is perfect for swimming – everyone should be able to swim.
Yes, it is advisable.
No. Too much effort. Go, move, shower,
a little bit, everything back – nee.
Very good. I think you should make a free float at school.
Yeah, I see. I find regular swimming up to the top should be an integral part of sports lessons.
I find wonderful that you don’t have to decide
Too expensive and too much mobbing potential
but not every week
Usner school system is eh cooked so will change eh nic turn xD
I don’t have to be every week, but 1-2 times a month makes sense.
Nene…2x in year absolutely max