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This is not the new battle tank of the Bundeswehr.
The Bundeswehr has no KF51 Panther in stock!
This is really not the latest
Not yet he Sol but in some time replace the Leopard 2A7
No, he shouldn’t. The successor of the 2A7 is the 2A7V or 2A8. The Bundeswehr has neither ordered KF51 nor plans it to do so.
No, he shouldn’t.
I’m a shareholder with Rheinmetall. Neither at the Annual General Meeting nor at some point it was said that the BW KF51 ordered. And I follow the announcements of and about Rhine metal as well as always, is important for the share price.
Would be very surprised if the Bundeswehr bought in the secret KF51.
Doesn’t make any sense for me. I don’t know who your “high animals” are in the BW, but I think they’re fooling you.
Reinmetal And some high goals of the Bw
Well, you can certainly call me your source if you’re so sure, right?
I’m sitting at the source as a soldier, I guess I’ll know
Yes Dan Start
Why are all so badly informed here
Who you don’t want to believe
Listen to me.
They are very badly informed
No, she’s not. 😂😂 The Bundeswehr is not planning to introduce the Panther!
That’s your answer.
But the questioner… what do you want to say about your Wikipedia article?
I didn’t even say “Wikipedia”!
Looks a bit like designed in Minecraft 😅
Yes, and this “Tarning” will not bring anything
The camouflage also individually adapted by the BW etc
This is not the finished camouflage according to Reinmetal
Ne veneered as in the color pot
He sucks. The Russian tanks are better.
For example, the allegedly good Leopard tanks in Ukraine were stuck in the mud during transportation. Who needs the tank that cannot drive through wet earth.
Even this tank will probably not be better. With this style you can’t disguise yourself properly. They can take the same red colors.
So what is there at most in Minecraft
Only last week, a well camouflaged Leo of Ukraine destroyed a whole Russian tank column. After the first tanks were destroyed, the others tried to escape. The leo’s quick fire was faster and destroyed them.
It’s interesting if a student here wants to make his “expertise” credible about warfare…
Here is a lot of video material:
Was there video material? If so, it can be. They are only mercenaries or recruits in Ukraine. The “real” army is not used in Ukraine.
Were the French troops or German again?
Read anti-mirror, then you know everything
Russian tanks still use those from the second world war so no
And the tanks in Ukraine the ridges are the American
Now listen, Ivan, so you don’t die stupid:
Which Russian tanks do you mean the T14 that has stopped at na parate or the T90
Good to know
That’s right
Who am I? Yes, I believe Russian Propoganda
And the leos in Ukraine are made of old Bw stock and have long since been patterned
Yes or do you believe Russian propaganda
I don’t think I’m your brother. Neither physically nor spiritually. But move quietly in your Russian propaganda bubble. You’re undisturbed. With plaster rolls, no man wants to have anything to do, who also carries only a bit of humanity.
Yeah, I’m reading news on Russian. This has been translated so that Germans who want to know the truth can also read.
MilitaryUpdate shows only video material. Or do you want to say that this was shot with greenscreen and so what 🤣
For one reason, French soldiers are relatively often in Ukraine. They use different tanks so that it doesn’t immediately notice. I think 5 soldiers from the Bundeswehr were in a Leopard tank in Ukraine.
What are they doing there? Holiday?
I read what I want братан. This is my country!
German French don’t use German tanks
Listen to Russian propaganda
There’s a nice Russian propaganda station you’ve been looking for.
You’re wrongly informed.
As he says, according to BW, he will become the new battle tanks of the Bw and replace the Leopard 2A7
The time of tanks is over. The BW should learn from the Turkish military.
Yeah, right
Net you are already used against tanks against a lot of war
Turkey is not for nothing unpopular in the armored industry also who they buy against tanks
Who says that obviously has no idea. In Ukraine, drones are used in mass, and yet tanks are obviously not superfluous there, on the contrary, they are more important than ever. To fight a few defenseless Kurds like Turkey, you don’t need tanks, right. But against the Russian army.
Is he from Lego?
Ne stall