Was haltet ihr vom lernen mit ChatGPT?
Was haltet ihr davon, mit ChatGPT zu lernen? Ich meine damit, aber sachen wie fragen stellen, nach Formeln fragen, oder von ChatGPT seine Aufgabe kontrollieren zu lassen, ob man zum Beispiel richtig gerechnet hat. Also im großen Ganzen, das man die KI als Virtuellen Lehrer benutzt.
It can be a good helper for referate (research quickly information etc.)
But find that a lot of pupils use it because they simply let their whole German analyses write with ChatGpt and then in the exam do not know how it is.
But I think that if you use it correctly it can be quite useful.
So I’d rather think alone. After all, everything the Internet knows has been written by people.
I think ChatGPT is an ingenious tool for learning. 🏆
Here is an example of how to learn a language with the AI. With ChatGPT extract vocabularies from a schoolbook and bring them to a card app and enter additional information from ChatGPT on the maps. Formatting the text modules automatically by ChatGPT.
Or something. Create stories from ChatGPT and translate phrases into other foreign languages.
Or something. Grammar explained get in ChatGPT.
Or something. A tutorial on how to solve a task.
Or something. Valuable information to form me.
I’ll get answers from ChatGPT in Markdown format as a code block and then copy them in the text app “Simplenote”.
So I have structured them as beautifully as in ChatGPT and can beat them and also exchange them as a link.
By the way, the appearance in simple notes is more appealing than it reproduces the links.
One more tip:
I copy the link to the simple note under each heading.
If I have a screenshot, I will call it “00oo2ca5k”. I then enter this alphanumeric name in Simplenote and can thus find the screenshot in a search on the phone or in the cloud seconds. “00oo” is always the same, the remaining 5 characters are variable.
Or with a code “00oo6je2a+” as an example, I name all notes of the same kind. When searching, they will all be displayed to me in Simplenote.
Bomb, my entire academic career has been carried.
To a certain extent, it is very good. However, you should check if ChatGPT’s statements are correct… but I actually find the ChatGPT can explain some things very well, so it helped me with a few things already well
Nothing, because ChatGPT very much likes to judge things wrong or think things out.
Do you think so?
Do I have a chatGPT research? I don’t know how to introduce you research, but no, ChatGPT can neither generate new ideas, nor can it evaluate complex data or draw conclusions from such evaluations.
Always beautiful
Certainly. All you don’t understand is generally “left-green” debt.
has been manipulated to the left green
No, certainly not. Who knows how ChatGPT and Co. work, that’s clear.
Maybe it will be in the future.
I don’t trust the roast.
lg up
It’s not about mourning. You should always be somewhat skeptical at JEDER source. ChatGPT was also not invented to become blindly turbid. It’s just an assistant who
That’s what I see. Nevertheless, this has a lot to do with (ver)trust and I do not trust the roast.
That’s what I see. However, I have specifically referred to what was described in the question. I would accept the AI as a virtual teacher and “learn with it”, let my solutions control, etc. (see question). And I say no because I do not trust this virtual teacher. Everything else, whether manuals or health, is not a debate here.
Hm, but that depends on what you ask the AI. If you ask for a guide to set something in Android, it just doesn’t work in the worst case. For health questions, it may look different.
What is ChatGBT?
ChatGPT, Sorry…