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2 years ago

Cell phones are completely normal nowadays. Clear answer: it is hardly possible without. Of course it always depends on age. Ours got their own with 8 and they were allowed to borrow ours sometimes.

2 years ago

When my son was 3 years old, I gave him a Samsung Key Handy.

In the phone book I used two entries: “Mama, Papa”.

Couple days before, it happened to me that he had lost me in a museum in the crowd.

Then I had such panic and desperately sought for him, while he just walked back the way to find us.

That day my decision was there. No matter how old he is, he needs a phone. What else did we develop modern communication technology?

I made him familiar with the service and told him that if he gets lost again, I’ll call him and he’ll tell me what he sees. Then I’ll find him.

It was never necessary, but it was like the fire extinguisher. You don’t buy it until it burns.

2 years ago

The question is far too general. I suppose if you’re just talking to parents, you don’t mean what these people generally keep from the phone – but rather what they think about their children, do you?

As the question is asked: I am Elter and I find mobile phones useful and hardly to think away from today’s time.

2 years ago

I already see children running around with mobile phones that can’t even write their name right. They can then usually use the thing only for swinging or other stuff. I also see adolescents who wear it well in the pocket and only look at it occasionally or what to do with it.

A mobile phone is therefore both means of communication and toys or craftsmen. You should be able to make calls.

2 years ago
Reply to  Altersweise

Of course you can call it.

2 years ago

my child just drives 250 km to berlin alone and therefore has a handy in the bag to be able to say to any changing station that it has worked

2 years ago

…are common nowadays, but should not be “for addiction”.