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2 years ago

I don’t think so. To force children is applied brutality towards someone who cannot resist.

Setting a cheese bread is not an “extra sausage” and no pampering. It is important that children learn to rely on their taste. With compulsion, however, one pushes emotions into the actual factual act of food intake. Then you don’t need to be surprised when the children develop an eating disorder.

2 years ago

I wouldn’t force the child to eat or punish it. Everyone has a different taste and especially as a child you don’t always find everything as great as later in adult age.

I would, however, try to animate the child to try. It should discover various possibilities. Of course, the diet should also be balanced. That’s important! But it doesn’t have to eat everything. If it feels food as a compulsion or no food as a punishment, it might get a disturbed relationship with it.

2 years ago
Reply to  sandra1020

Quite right

2 years ago
Reply to  sandra1020

Right. Thank you.

I find here in the forum too many questions about eating disorders where not the children belong in therapy, but the parents.

2 years ago
Reply to  mjutu

That’s right. If children are always under pressure and can never determine themselves, one does not need to wonder.

2 years ago

A child should learn early that doesn’t work the world like this and that you don’t always get what you want and you should be satisfied with what you have.

2 years ago
Reply to  sadsasa

If it wouldn’t like anything in general, you know it as a parent and then you get something else.This example implies that the child refuses food that it usually eats.

2 years ago
Reply to  Abdallah128

Why do you overwrite the situation to “always get what you want”? What teaching does the child draw from it? “If you have the power, you do what you want and cooperation, empathy and positive donation, there are not my parents. ‘

Is it about the question that the child wants a Black Forest cherry cake every day, or just finds cucumbers disgusting?

2 years ago
Reply to  mjutu

Apparently you have understanding problems with what I have said.I use this situation to teach my child something.It is neither about exercise of power nor anything else.The lesson can be explained to him emotionally, but it does not change the consequences.You can not evaluate the way it is communicated at all.This is just your subjective interpretation.

2 years ago

Yes, maybe I could have done it better, but I mistakenly assumed that one could only understand it.Next time I will try to express myself more precisely to prevent misunderstandings.

2 years ago

I just pointed out that it was not a question. Yes did not fit, but a whole sentence would have been adequate.

2 years ago

Even when the FS agreed, you suspected “conception problems”. This could be taken as a hint that it is not necessarily the readers, but your explanations.

Thank you for your attempts to explain. I think I understand what you’re talking about.

2 years ago

I only explained on which basis I rated it, no more. And now I only informed you so that you can better arrange my answer.

2 years ago

You told the FS what it is? Actually, the FS should explain what it is about in his question.

2 years ago

It’s about food that the child usually likes and eats, which I have already explained to the FS. This is self-explanatory to me.You come with constructed scenarios that were never discussed.

If it wouldn’t like anything in general, you know it as a parent and then you get something else.This example implies that the child refuses food that it usually eats.

Here’s the quote.

2 years ago

I rated the way you don’t communicate. Instead, I asked questions you didn’t answer.

If a child doesn’t want to eat sour niches and the consequence is that it gets emotionally explained that it goes hungry into bed, my understanding stops.

If you mean anything else, I wanted to find out with my question.

2 years ago

There was no question asked😂😂😂why answer with yes.You must have understanding problems

2 years ago

That’s right, you don’t think the kids should be too pampered, or they’ll be disrespectful at some point. With me something was said to be eaten on the table and otherwise one has no hunger

2 years ago
Reply to  sadsasa


2 years ago
Reply to  AdolfGenau

With me, it was so bad that I’m eating it. So forgot and therefore get nothing else until the evening there was no. It had to be eaten no matter how gross I found it

2 years ago

I don’t think that can be answered so much.

It’s about what it’s about, how often it happens and how tangible alternatives are.

If a child likes no sausage, it is idR a lightweight instead e.g. to offer cheese.

If it’s part of a court that doesn’t like it, I’d say it can leave the part. If it rejects the entire court, well, then it was bad luck. At best, I would alternatively make a butter bread or the like a choice for the child, but cook extra something else, there wouldn’t be with me.

I think it is important to find out why a child refuses certain food.

My cousins didn’t like onions. Now it was always difficult because onions simply belong to many dishes. My mother cut the onions extremely small when the cousins were with us, so they didn’t notice them in the frikadellen. That worked very well.

It would be important to me that the child at least try. As long as it remains with isolated things that it doesn’t like, I would try to take as much consideration as I think it’s normal that you just don’t get some things down.

If there is a constant mockery, I would also be on the point that it either eats what is offered or gets nothing.

Children often simply refuse food from a marotte.

2 years ago

As a child, I was always told what I have taken to the upbringing of my children to this day, “Forget what comes at the table, you don’t have a bad luck”

2 years ago
Reply to  sadsasa

The child will survive and learn from it.

2 years ago

No, it’s not just about your personal opinion, but you’re trying to tell me what the views of the FS and other participants are here and say my views are wrong.

Obviously, you are not able to see and respond to the opinions of others. Your judgment that this speaks for an unripe and closed spirit says something about you and nothing about me.

How strange that some people think about impressing insults here in the forum.

2 years ago

I also speak only of my personal opinion and that I and no one else decide.No matter, you are not able to accept or accept other opinions, that does not exactly speak for a mature and open spirit. In this sense beautiful Sunday still.

2 years ago

You are not the person who determines the question and the answers and comments of other participants. In some other people’s statements, it’s all about sending to bed without food and exercising power.

2 years ago

This is not the point, the child can access the cooked food at any time.It is a difference whether the child does not want to eat something from pleasure or pleasure or send it to bed without food.

2 years ago

In the answers and comments, this is partly about putting the child in bed without food.

I’m at the age when the kids take off slowly.

2 years ago

A child must quickly learn that it has nix to determine.

Not only do I find it wrong, but also dangerous. A child should learn that it can always determine its own body. This prevents abuse.

2 years ago

I don’t know how old you are. The kids aren’t forced to do this, but you realize the difference whether they really don’t eat something like that or whether it’s just “no pleasure”. Each child eats a semmel, bread, or any other pastry, so it does not go to bed without food in the stomach.

2 years ago

And if you taught the child that it has nothing to determine, how should it become a sovereign and authentic adult? No, it’s not education, it sounds like oppression and abuse of power.

To force children to eat things they find e.g. disgusting, has nothing to do with sensual education. Sending you to bed without food is a brutal pressure medium.

Let’s see how the kids revant when you get so old that you can’t hold the spoon anymore. You can hardly hope for respect.

How helpless are parents who break a neck out of the crown when lubricating a cheese bread…

2 years ago

No, that’s what they call education. A child must quickly learn that it has nix to determine. We as parents know what the child eats or what not. Sometimes the kids think you get extra sausage, but it doesn’t matter.

2 years ago

This is education, and the youth office will not see anything else for a bullshit.

2 years ago

Or the child informs the youth office. Love and respectful is not at all.

2 years ago

It always depends on the age of the child. In the first months of life, the taste is shaped and the children develop their own dining style and preferences. Making a child at dinner is counterproductive. Rather, one should pay more attention to eating habits. There are also Nutrition counsel for infants and young children if it doesn’t work with the food, but I personally would encourage my child to try it, but never force it.

2 years ago

Depends on whether the child doesn’t taste anything like anyone or always asks for an extra sausage. So always a little extra cooking I wouldn’t. Imagine you have 3 children and should always cook 3-4 different dishes at any meal. Uff

There are already differences whether you don’t taste anything at all or whether you’d rather eat something else.

2 years ago

Yeah, that’s how I was raised.

But if the child after approx. 10 min still doesn’t want to eat, I wouldn’t force it any more. (10 min for children eternity)

But always depends on what is on the plate and other factors

2 years ago
Reply to  sadsasa

Can you keep spinning… pepper bread?

It just depends on the situation, but at some point it’s good.

2 years ago

This is totally harmful to the child. It learns early that food is nothing nice. It is completely normal that children reject much. This is her genetic security program.

2 years ago
Reply to  DreiGegengifts

Well, different from propagating food than something particularly beautiful can remain negative in the other direction.

It would be optimal if children learn early that food is something necessary and so do not come up with the idea that it would be sensible to do without it or otherwise do not start to compensate for anything by means of food –ergo eat more than necessary or is good for it.

2 years ago
Reply to  holjan

Well, different from propagating food than something particularly beautiful can remain negative in the other direction.

Food IS something beautiful. You don’t have to “propagate.”

2 years ago

In our large family there are the ingredients for lunch often individually. So everyone can put his food together so that only the things they like are in it. What else is it if someone wants to have a sausage bun and if the mother has finished it, says: “I don’t want to! I want an apple!” Then hunger can’t be so big that there’s the apple.

2 years ago

Yes, if the parents cook decently and healthy, I think that’s okay. You have to educate the child so that it won’t be a soup cake.

2 years ago

then the food tastes only Schxxxxe—