Was halten Sie von meinem Gedicht?
Hallo! Vor kurzem habe ich ein einfaches Gedicht zum Thema Natur verfasst. Bitte bewerten Sie es und weisen Sie auf Fehler hin, wenn Sie welche sehen. Ich danke euch!
Wunderschön ist unser Leben,
uns das Glück die Reize geben.
Lieber Freund, du geh zu Wald,
Ganze Wut und sehnsucht schalt,
Hier zu Zauber alle streben.
Gibt es viele grüne Bäume,
Hier im Wälde oft ich träume.
Das ist Haus für jeder Tier.
das Vergnügen du bringt mir,
Oh, die große Lebensräume.
Except for the many grammar and spelling errors, it sounds nice. Unfortunately, you’ve been rather disfiguring the German language.
You are right, the verse contains some mistakes, but I think the overall statement is clear. Thanks for the positive review, I hope I didn’t bring the normal German too much together. Good luck!
Why do you have to deny German? It’s part of the discipline. How about your mother tongue?
Thank you for the star.
My mother tongue is Russian, but I also write German poems. I can only agree, my German is not good enough to write poems, but I’m still working on it. Thank you for your thoughts and advice!
Hello Hans
I like it very well.
Some spelling mistakes, but not the worst thing I’ve read so far.
Beautiful is our life,
give us happiness (comma) the charms.
Dear friend, go to the forest,
Whole anger and longing sounded, why anger? Find something else.)
Here all strive for magic.
There are many green trees,
Here in the forest I often dream.
There’s house for every animal.
the pleasure of me,
Oh, their big habitats.