Was hält ihr von Eurovision 2024?
Ich habe es selber toll gefunden und will gerne wissen was ihr davon gehalten habt.
Ich habe es selber toll gefunden und will gerne wissen was ihr davon gehalten habt.
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The ESC usually offers best evening entertainment. This year, he unfortunately got a knack that is both the EBU as an interpreter, the participating artists and, above all, the audience on site in the hall.
At ESC there are always some interesting songs and this year I find the two top-ranked songs good. Nemo has an expressive voice and could hold even the very high tones. That’s really remarkable. I like it a little bit and so I like the song better and more often I hear it. I like the orchestral version.
I like folk rock very much and therefore I like the song of Croatia and Estonia. Croatia has been better and so the placement is justified.
Of course, the platings are always subjective and, unfortunately, always political. The versatility is more decisive than the placement. Just who doesn’t notice will of course end up down, even if the song was better than striking songs that were weak from the song.
The songs were very good, but how Ireland could come to 6th place is still a mystery to me.
Me too, they had to win
Honestly, listen to this song as a studio version, it’s really good, even from the lyrics! And much more exciting than the standard Popsong tracks that most have driven. courage is rewarded;)
Okay, I will. But at the Eurovision version they should have been 15-25
In my opinion, Ireland should have been somewhere behind
After my also 😂
I’m with you, there are unnecessary shrines in it that are all rather devalued than revalued.
There were some really good songs, I would also say that the winning song was quite good, but everyone who claims that there was no non-binarian bonus is simply ignorant or wills for which reasons they don’t recognize. I would have liked Latvia to have seen higher, I also found Israel right well, and unfortunately I also see politically motivated high-pushte songs that are relatively forgettable (->Ukraine).
PS: I find the studio version of “Doomsday Blue” better than the live performance, and also really good for itself (text, refined genre mix), would have been my winner. But the devilish performance fits well with the 6th Jury Square, 6th Audience Square and 6th final place , 666 😈
Switzerland absolutely unearthed. They only won by the jury voices.
At the show it should be about the audience – here you have seen how little points went to Switzerland.
Otherwise I found him good. There was little really horny songs. Last year was better.
But you must also see that only through audience votes Ukraine has been shot up – and the song has been absolutely not expressive, so here was a clear political motivation at the work – something that should not influence a music contest.
There is no argument about taste.
I am curious next year will be ^^ obs become woker. Think about that now even more….
Yes, the Gravity performance was really nice, didn’t always understand how they did it, really great coreography! ….despite that it was proved that this alone is not enough xD
From England the appearance was nice – so not the naked men, but the NoGravity – I didn’t think bad as they did.
Song was gigantic bad. If Germany had also seen approximately in the middle or even higher. The song was not bad and sung great – but the guy was funny .. didn’t know it either.
Most songs I’ve actually forgotten again while I’ve got several more in mind from last year:-/
The song was absolutely perfect. Just garbage. Also those have obviously tried to fetch with “openly gay” political bonuses are just last good 20 years too late with it, deserved the xD
Germany is well placed in the middle field, but also a light botanical note at the singer’s choice, so I also see a light “bonus”… the song is good, but now also has not so much something that remains particularly in memory. The fire show was nice, and that also counts with pure;P
Haha France and England weren’t that mean
Yes with Spain I am right to you, but the refrain has packed me:D
I went down with Estonia. What do you think of Germany?
That is exactly my original criticism, the points in Ukraine were certainly not the song.
And Spain …..naja, summerhit I go with, but it was a standard Latinobeat, therefore not very exceptional.
A suffering (consciously tipped) which I would definitely have banned in the last 10 places is France, absolutely uninspiring heul ballad, nothing extraordinary etc.
My friend comes from Estonia:D She speaks fluent Estonian and we both said it’s a horny song, even if I didn’t understand anything and she meant the text is crap. She has tried to translate but these were just coming together lots of pussies “we don’t take drugs” 😀
The refrain with the deep male voice was madness ^^ that I would have seen over Ukraine. Ukraine I found better last year, was a horny song – this year not so dolle. Spain with “zorro zorro” or how I saw this far up because that was so n correct summer.
Estonia was a real banger, I would definitely have seen personally in top 10 if not top 5;P
Ukraine I personally found (the HipHop) quite horny last year.
Just like this year Estonia 😀
You’re right, I’m just asking you to look everywhere. If after me the code could not have been won, the non-binary bonus is absolutely noticeable, because unfortunately the singer is not talented, there has often missed the powder. The song itself could have sounded much better by someone else, but without non-binarily never led to victory.
Very good because there is this really very good song.
Neither good nor bad, did not even know that once again until one had heard of the scandals.
The jury has judged politically correct. If Nemo hadn’t looked like a clown, he wouldn’t have won as much as we did with the sausage. The victory of Ukraine two years ago was ridiculous.
I don’t consume a red.
Some good songs were already there, but of course not everyone can meet my taste.
Germany has not finally become the last.