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Wo kann man diese Netz-Pullover kaufen?(Bild unten)?
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Periode seit 3 Wochen?
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Ist Glatze keine Frisur?
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Very harmful. Shades every organ and has over 70 substances that are carcinogenic. Therefore, it is actually a strong, legal drug.
You pay for his early death.
I find it schizophrenic from the state to make smokers mad and at the same time not to want to waive taxes.
I think it’s fine. To smoke from boredom, I find unnecessary. As a person with asthma, it disturbs me extremely at the bus or tram stop, especially when it is narrow under the roof of the queue, for example due to rain.
that it brings nothing to the state of Steuren.
But where should finance come from for the state and our protection?
I don’t think so good but everyone has to
They are an extremely important factor in the early reduction of our population. A high on the tobacco industry; it does not want to take the right to self-adjusted citizens.
I’m sick of cigarettes. Hale = basic form of hälst in correct alternative German.
I don’t think anything about it…. are just disgusting and harmful.😅😅
LG Maike
I used to be smokers. – It’s the purchase on rates of early death.
Then I guess you decided that buying rates is not a good idea and paid cash.
Stop it.
What do you think…
For non-smokers
For smokers a good way to harm healthily
Bad and shorten your life.
I don’t think so. Besides, you get under the ground faster.
Absolutely nothing, let them poison themselves
Absolutely unnecessary
It makes no sense to poison slowly
Who kisses a smoker can also lick an ashtray.
Make extremely addictive and stinky.
Not much.
Shit, but they serve me to regulate emotions.
Shit, for environment, body, economy, farmers
Lg notnoetig ⭐
Needless and stinking drugs.
Nothing at all!!!!
Find me cool
They stink.
ne can get away
Smoking is stupid \../
Good I don’t smoke (b)
Good word game 🙂