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I think there are people who live and love this way and are happy with it. It’s okay for me.
It’s nothing for me. I am happy as it is:)
Thanks for the ⭐
I find each pair to do this as it feels best for everyone involved. But I personally don’t feel like I know that my partner kisses others. But everyone likes him.
Polyarmory and polygamy are generally OK if everyone knows and agrees. Then the same right for all sexes!
Let people live as it suits them. Just as OK are two relationships if both want it.
I’ll live. With polygamy, the ability to a deep two-way relationship is distrained. You can call anything ‘love’, even if it doesn’t.
abtrained. The trust – on the other hand – is trained.
I can’t imagine anything like this (until) for me.
If others like it, they should do it.
When that means sexual relations, I find that animal. But many women as non-sexual(!) I would feel friends as a cozy family.
If everyone is satisfied, it can work. And that from male and female perspectives. But: it can work and does not have to. Usually it won’t work.
An Egyptian, whose grandfather had four women, once told me his secret. He said that a man must have either a woman or three or more. A man could still come against a woman, with two who would join him and he would have no chance, with three or more who would stand against each other and he would have won the cock in the basket.
if you think you have to do this… my case is not personal. I prefer a partner.
… the only true way to love.
We are all convinced that the fidelity is THE thing. There is no other thing. Those who do not live loyalty are worshipped, condemned. You don’t!
Loyalty is a corset that we voluntarily embrace. So those who never question, live it, of course. Nothing else! Infidelity is a no-go.
We all know that not only can we fall in love with several people at the same time, but also want to live sex differently. If the partner needs 4 times sex a day in young years – but I don’t – but I’m insatiable in the changing years, but my partner is already through sex… what then? Then I’ll look into the tube.
I – personally – live loyalty. As I said, she’s the nonplusultra. My partner still believes in it. My marriage is otherwise great. I’m not risking anything.
And suffer.
Emotions/feeling and sexual drive can not read clues, understand nothing of morality, do not think and also have no idea of God. If we follow them – let’s tell them – we get into bad situations with our lives, so where we never wanted.
Oh, shit! You’re coming with God!
There’s no one!
I don’t think of morality. She is man-made (also like your God!) and overthinkable! Please! With them we get into bad situations. Because hardly anyone thinks for himself. Hardly anyone is self-confident. I’ll prange it!
No, we all don’t know. Maybe you know that.
Of course you don’t know. Because you haven’t questioned anything yet. From the time you know.
I reject morality. I prefer respect. That’s enough. For what most people understand by “moral” is hopelessly outdated. Disposable. No, no one needs these rules anymore. It’s over with peace.
Most people exclude their own thinking.
And that’s just wrong. With morality, the purpose is to establish social codes of conduct that best result in peaceful coexistence. This does not exclude your own thinking. And you can also deviate from the mainstream or counteract it. But then one should be able to offer a better alternative in each case and be reasonable, comprehensible. If someone does not yet have their own opinion on a subject at the time X, then it can still come.
I would rather say: Whoever rejects morality completely opens the door to anarchy.
You can’t speak for me. For millions of others neither. Tell me.
No. I can also speak for others. But you can keep going.
You can only speak for yourself.
Yes – I speak for the public. Conscious. I’m convinced of my thinking.
So you assume I don’t question anything because I don’t share your wisdom’s last conclusion? Very nicely up on the plateau. 😃
You’re talking to the public instead of just for you. That’s the point.
You can continue to believe in everything you have taught you. I’m not keeping you from it. Not everything we learn is right. That’s why the question. 😉
Also that is not true.
You can find it all for you, but not for all of us.
I really questioned. Do I need a God? Do I really need morality? What is your morality? What does society want – what do I want?
Are you self-confident? I think no. Without insulting you! The fewest people are self-confident. The rabbit is buried: If you don’t have your own opinions, you need morality. He goes after what others want. He also lives with a God.
I don’t.
I’ve been practicing the question for many years…. but maybe you can tell us how you got to your knowledge, we can exchange ourselves 1:1.
Then start the questioning. After that you will get other insights!
I can’t understand. My experiences and insights are different.
Nothing for me, but who likes it. I prefer monogamous relationships.
If both agree? All right.
Why both? Polygamy affects at least 3.
That’s right.
I just walked from the scenario a pair with polygamy trains. My bathroom.
… or everyone!
I think so. You’ll always be sympathetic to me
I’m sure there’s only trouble and fight
Nope, therefore I am always faithful;-)