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As soon as the front door has fallen into the castle, the clothes come down and get back to work the next day. My personal opinion
At home we are always naked.
Hello, who is we?
My family
Always depends on the season, but from now on, clothes are ripped off and boxershort and sports bra dressed.
I count to underwear
Normally short pants and tank tops or similar
If I don’t have to get out of the house, always naked. Whatever the season.
Usually dressed, but often naked in this weather
Now in the summer we are usually naked.
W 21
Or clothes. Depending on the weather and occasion.
In winter a jogging suit, in summer a kaftan
Since last winter always completely naked.
What I had before the evening. Don’t move until I get to sleep.
If the weather is ettsprehend, then like to be naked.
We all have nothing to do at home and are always there
In the weather at the moment alternativeless.
Usually just naked and a robe over it.
If possible!
Now that it’s warm again, I’m naked at home.
when I come home, I’m getting naked
Straight swim shorts or only boxershorts
The most convenient
I’m usually naked at home.
Currently on the heat = short pants and T-shirt
Mainly naked sb and with underwear
Just in the weather.
Beer Pizza and TV
Shorts and T-Shirt
The TV with YouTube
An airy dress at the moment and otherwise leggings and shirt.