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I’ve never eaten or drunk a lot.
Alcohol e.g. coffee. Energy drinks. I never had any interest in that.
When it comes to food (and now I will just call one): olives. At least I can’t remember. If, then perhaps once as a small child and then certainly not in the whole and probably mixed together with a bunch of other ingredients. But for me it’s like I never tried it.
If someone asked me what food I find most disgusting, which I like least, I would choose olives. How can I be so sure that I hate olives, although I have never tried them (very likely) before? Well, I can’t.
Olives look glibschig. Olives look disgusting. I can’t look at olives without getting a rocker. Olives in the glass are the worst. How they swim there and flood in their own juice. Olives are scary. I don’t touch olives. The thought of taking them in my mouth and chewing… Ungelied: würg. The consistency? I don’t even want to think about that. 🤢
Well, since the amount of things I actually ate you have compared to the amount of all things I (still) not has eaten so small that it is statistically irrelevant, the answer is basically:
But what I now think is concrete with gold dust and honey roasted royal bee larvae.
There are a lot of things I’ve never eaten or drank. But I can’t tell them because I don’t know them all.
I’m sure there will be a lot. Only most of them I don’t know.
A lot. There are certainly plenty of meals and drinks in the world, of which I don’t know.
protected species.
I will not, even though I would in principle be interested in the taste. but the preservation of art is much more important than my culinary interests.
Insects, at least not conscious.
Of course, there are many things, but to name one example: sushi, white beer. I don’t want to.
Eating what I never get down, even though I’ve never eaten, is the following:
“Great sausages”
tastes everything as lekka as blood sausage, all meats, shells, shrimps, crabs, lobsters, aal, caviar ! hmmmmh ^^
Cheese, milk, yogurt hmmmmm. ^^^
for nix in the world I would eat dairy products. I don’t have a bell to bite
Don’t get dressed like that.
I’ve never tried ovomaltine. (I think it’s written like that)
Ohaaaa I am not yet 😀
A lot.
Cat ate and drink goat milk.
insects – and I will never
bread drink – also I don’t intend to try it ever
Bread drink tastes disgusting. You should be very healthy. But can also be without bread drink Ka.en.
oysters and wine
I love seafood sooooo sehhhrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr 😊😋😋😋😋😋😁😁😁😋😋😋😋😋😁😁😁😋😋😋😋😋😁😁😁 just yummyyyy
Ne😁.. also no puddles😳Never
I’m just like that, and I’ll never be anyone
Oysters and champagne.