Was habt ihr gestern gegessen?
Einfach nur so
Hi, Ich habe noch nie im leben Porridge gegessen oder gemacht. Ich habe mich aber entschlossen die gute Nahrung zu probieren. Ich habe also nach Rezepte gesucht aber jede war mir nie wirklich gut im Anblick. Also beschloss ich selber etwas zu erfinden. Würde es so gehen?: Haferflocken mit milch kochen. Danach Zimt drinn mischen…
Ich volle Kanne 😅 Hab jetzt am Abend: ein halbes Kilo Nudelsalat, 2 Vanillejoghurt,1 Birne, 3 Pfirsiche und 1 großes Stück Torte verdrückt und das war nur Abendessen heute 😂
Hallo, ich habe noch keine Idee was ich zu Weihnachten essen soll. Habt ihr Vorschläge? Was esst ihr? LG❄️ PS: Es muss vegetarisch sein.
Hat jemand Erfahrung, wie sich Kakao auf den Blutzucker von Typ 1 Patienten auswirkt? Also ob er steigt oder relativ gleich bleibt?
Ich habe gerade eine Apfel gegessen bis ich gemerkt habe, dass oben am Stiel innen eine faulige Stelle war. Der Apfel hat komplett normal geschmeckt und ich hab die faulige Stelle nicht mitgegessen. Passiert mir nun was oder ist das schlimm?
For breakfast had a slice of whole grain bread with avocado, tomato and a little feta. I also had half a banana.
At noon there were summer rolls filled with corn, paprika, glass noodles, chickpeas, cucumber, zucchini, red cabbage, tofu and onion. The whole thing was with some peanut sauce and as a supplement a small bowl with rice.
We had free yesterday and ate a grill plate with pommes and salad for dinner.
since I was at Karl’s Erdbeer Hof (KEH) yesterday, I had a lot of food.
Cashier with potatoes with sauerkraut and sauce (KEH)
Slushi (KEH)
toast with butter & Mortadella
Jogurt with cereal
Candy (KEH)
a Lolli (KEH)
Strawberry Cup with Chocolate (KEH)
Fish rolls
does not want to know how much I weigh when I get out of vacation. I eat here as well as everything – but it looks so good
Oh, if you’re on holiday you can already stuff yourself 😅 Next week also on holiday Mallorca
Have fun, have never been to Mallorca
2 rolls with jam and butter, 1 rolls with butter and cheese and salami, ham cheese croissant, poultry stick, waffles with powdered sugar and cream, 1 apple, 2 pears, few milk slices and strawberries, 2 burgers, tomatoes, a pack of salami, 3 toasts, a pack of biscuits and so on
What I feed on a daily basis: air and love.
Wow, that’s enough
Spinach Potato puree Cordon Bleu
Breakfast 1 glass milk, fruit
Lunch Bunter salad from the garden, rolls
Dinner Skull Ribbon with potato salad and noodle salad
Snack ice pralines
Baked school with potato salad
Just symbioflor. Regeneration grad the intestine again ☺️.
Rds. Immune system and skin become better.
Lunch: grilled..
At noon there were Pasta Asciutta (Spaghetti Bolognese) and 2 sandwiches in the evening.
Some chocolate crucibles.
With me there was self-made pesto with spaghetti
Curry sausage with pommes.
With which sauce and only pasta or anything else with made in so make ham or something
Tomato sauce with garlic