Was habt ihr für reale Gewinne mit Dropshipping?

Hallo, hat jemand von euch Dropshipping betrieben? Wenn ja könntet ihr mal reale Monatsgewinne oder Umsätze nennen. Und ist es wirklich so schwer wie alle sagen?

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1 year ago

So I’ve been doing dropshipping for 15 years, and… well, you can make money! I pay my rent, my life and Co!

You have to be able to! Ideally, one also has a corresponding training and collects a few years of experience – for example in the company where one has trained.

If you know, have contacts, etc., then you can make yourself independent. It is natural to note that one is self-employed – with all “Drum&Dran”, which belongs to it! Most of them can’t estimate ab-&!

Therefore, one ideally makes a business plan and discusses it with a professional – for example with people from the IHK. < At the IHK, you will ideally become a member when you trade.

If you know, it’s not hard… it’s fucking a lot of work! Very much work and very stressful work! I have a full time and 60 hours a week (including weekends).

The profit depends on your cost and circumstances!
Do you live for rent? Can you even run a business there? What internet rate do you have? Can you also use it commercially? How does it look with insurance? etc. costs of advertising and office equipment not forgotten;)

1 year ago

Sales can go from 0 to millions.

Dropshopping is with caution to enjoy, you sell practically products you don’t have yourself, you have to get the products after the order yourself, but if you can’t get them you can’t deliver their goods to the customer, some customers take sport, others much less.

1 year ago
Reply to  Damyan527

Clearly, however, some customers insist on the goods and they are therefore right, if they cannot be dispensed with a refund, they can also sue you in the worst case.

However, a negative rating is always safe for you.

1 year ago

Yes, as I said, everything can go well, but a certain risk is always there. Besides, there are so many drop shoppers now, there’s hard to get a foot in, you’re just one of a thousand.

1 year ago

You wrote: That’s clear to me that there are hundreds of thousands of dropshipper, but when you find a good product, a good web page created and good advertising should be done.

Imagine 3,000,000 people see your ads in MONAT
Then probably click 37,500 people to your homepage (or landing page)
Then probably 469 people buy your product
Then probably 141 people send the goods back

Then you have sold 469 products with 10 Euros, making 4690 Euro
Then you have 141 x return costs á 5 Euro, making together 703 Euro

Then you have about. 4.000 euros profit per month gross before taxes and all costs

NOW is the GREAT QUESTION: how and how do you want to get the 3 million visitors and how much costs are incurred for you???

1 year ago
Reply to  Damyan527

You asked for numbers. I called you numbers. There’s no reason to believe me. Just try it out and you have your own numbers 😉

Now imagine you’re switching advertising and every click will cost you 0.80 Euro for example on Facebook. At 37,500 clicks, the 30,000 euros are for advertising. Even if you would sell an item with 50,00 Euro profit, you would have only 23.450 Euro profit at 30,000 Euro advertising costs. That’s still not enough. You’re still 6.550 euros in the LOVE. And the higher your selling price the smaller your sold piece. Then you only have 1%, so 375 sales.

But… don’t think… try it yourself!

1 year ago