Was haben Kreditkarten mit Koks zutun?
Ich hab mittlerweile öfters Anspielungen auf Kokain gesehen, bei denen Kreditkarten eine Rolle spielen. Aber was hat es mit den Kreditkarten auf sich? Hat das eine Bedeutung oder ist das einfach random?
Hier mal als Beispiel:
(So n’en Short)
(Typen aus der Stadt Minute 1:24)
People who consume cocaine like to take check-shaped cards such as credit cards, identity card and similar formats to form a so-called “line” with the powder. This makes them easier to take drugs into their nostrils.
With coke, of course, you don’t draw a line on a credit card. You can’t afford to use cocaine. When you consume cocaine, you pull it through your nose. Wherever you do that, it’s time to go. But usually you don’t do it in the public, but then you get it where nobody sees it.
More precisely, at his own apartment. In the apartment within your own four walls, everyone actually has the right to unfold freely, even if that is not supposed to mean that you do not consume drugs or commit crimes.
With a card it should be ID card or whatever, so you make such a straight koks dashed so you can pull koks