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1 year ago

In childhood? In the youth period?

General, or Easter/ Birthday/ Christmas?

In my parents’ house there was a hidden Easter nest for every family member present (and partner). Filled with hard-cooked eggs, some typical Easter sweetheart and a small gift (toys, or something practical).

For my birthday and Christmas, I always had to write a wish list (in the primary school age, I rode through the toy catalogue). My parents then decided “what” is worried and when I get what (birth day and Christmas are relatively close together).

What I got? In childhood toys, later in teens then just other things. For example, once I wished a metal seat tonne in Coladosen look (which I had for many years). Another time a certain perfume. Often enough it ran out on books as I read a lot. Books always moved with me. Luckily, it only came in two times before I got a book that I had for a long time.

1 year ago

Barbie, video games, dinos, clothes, cuddly animals… What I just wanted.

This year, I get from my mother a magnificent lilac painting that a painter made.

From my husband, I wanted Pokémon cards.

A few years ago, I got Airpods.

I ordered a Go Plus for Pokémon Go myself.

1 year ago

I always had other wishes on Christmas or birthday. I’ll write a wish list today.

1 year ago

geld wahr immer am besten