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Mädchen(15. Jungfrau) sagt ihre Altersgrenze ist so 19-20, was tun?
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I witnessed this. It was a special Sylvester. There have been a lot of media reports about the planned big celebrations, but also rumors about computer failures and other disasters.
When it was there… well, you had a bit of a special feeling to go to the “new millennium” now, but actually it was over and everything was back as usual.
It was called the turn of the millennium.
At that time, many old software has changed to customers, as files with 6.digit date YYMMDD led to unacceptable results from 2000 on sorting. 000101 is less than 991231. Only when the date in files was changed to 8-digit YYYMMDD, the result returned. 20000101 is greater than 19991231.
The new millennium was celebrated deliberately. But apart from that, that was just a little more celebrated. in the context of the new millennium. Not really much different.
Sappalot, so many at once. xD
Because they don’t know the date when the number of years is 2 in the front, they don’t know!
Happy New Year and All Good..
I thought, “Jo mei, a new year begins.” No more and no less.
Happy new, horny! Now we have a new century!
LG ✨🦖🦖🦖
Happy New Year 🍾 🍷 🍷
New Year