Was haben Berliner (Faschingskrapfen) mit Karneval zu tun?
Berliner, Krapfen, etc…überall werden sie anders genannt.
Warum werden sie jetzt ,oftmals auch vermehrt im Angebot verkauft?
Warum ist dieses Siedegebäck so beliebt, gerade jetzt zur Karnevalszeit?
Ist es ein typischer Brauch von früher oder was hat es damit auf sich?
Right. This custom comes from earlier.
The dough of the Berlin consists of flour, sugar, milk, yeast, egg yolk and butter.
The medieval fasting rules prohibit the consumption of meat, dairy products, alcohol and eggs. That’s why it’s been extensively smashed beforehand to use devastating supplies and get well through the Lent.
For this, a pastry containing many of these prohibited ingredients is very good.
The pastry is centuries old and you eat it before fasting. With us in the region there were things only at the carnival and they therefore also called “Fasnachtskuchen” / “Fasnachtsküchlein”. The jam filling was then only in later times. With us, the housewives use a rich and tasty yeast. They are either made with or without jam. They are baked with us in the family with peanut oil. (Also for pancakes delicious!) Sugar can be around it, but don’t have to. No comparison at all to the hollow foam tubers that you get in bakeries.
My aversion to both is about the same. Süss and fat at the same time triggers nausea with me, both during carnival and in the cramps.
In the past, one wanted to sneak properly before fasting. And there was the fat bag right.
P. S. These are marmalades… 😂😂
But only if the filling is made of citrus fruits.
A story says that a Viennese sugar baker namedCäcilia Krapfthe inventor of the herbs. Cäcilia is said to have come to the sweet dough balls in dispute with her husband. From anger, Cäcilia threw a piece of Germteig after her god shadow.
Fat and sweet hedonistic feed before you have to starve in the fast.