Was habe ich für Möglichkeiten im Ausland(als Schüler reisen)?
Ich M 15 liebe es zu reisen und würde nächstes Schuljahr (11 klasse) gerne reisen und die 11 dann wiederholen. (Von der Schule würde ich garantiert für so einen Zeitraum eine Freistellung bekommen, das währe also kein Problem). Fürs Abi brauche ich Englisch und Spanisch. Aufgrund dessen würde ich gerne nach Südamerika reisen. Jetzt bin ich mir aber nicht der ganzen Möglichkeiten bewusst die ich habe, wie könnte ich so ein Aufenthalt gestalten, FSJ, FÖJ, work and Travel oder soll ich mit Organisation wie Erasmus reisen? Habt ihr Erfahrung bei sowas??
For such things as Work and Travel or FSJ/FÖJ abroad you are still too young. Erasmus is not an organization but an EU programme, i.e. Erasmus can apply for some projects/practices/studies stays, but not as an individual (which then runs in such a way that a university etc. applies for a program of money and then the students submit an application to the university).
What would fit would be, for example, a school year/school half-year abroad, e.g. via YfU or AFS, these are organisations that offer this. It’s not cheap. However, you can apply for scholarships, then that goes.
My school is part of this Erasmus programme.
Yes, but you’ll only get money through the school as part of these projects. You won’t get any money for your individual program.
You should say exactly what you want. There are (private and non-profit) organizations where you can make a school year abroad, there are projects of volunteer work, where there is probably a handful of going from 16. These are all projects you have to pay. So you don’t deserve money to be able to live with it, but you pay more or less money for it.
Is it true that there are no other comparable programs or organizations??
Erasmus is not an organization, because the organize nix but only promote.
In your situation (schoolable, minor) student exchange is the most reasonable proposal and two organizations have already been mentioned to you for this. There are many countries available for South America except French Guiana, Suriname, Guyana, Venezuela and Bolivia.
As far as I know, erasmus only stipends for universities abroad.
So my school is integrated in the Erasmus programme and I spent 9 weeks with Erasmus in Spain, for example, last year. 6 weeks in school+gastfammilie, 2 weeks on Fuerteventura school internship alone and 1 week class trip. I would like to stop doing school abroad rather work etc
In my knowledge, Erasmus does not allow for long periods of time
At 16 you will hardly be able to work abroad.
Erasmus actually promotes everything that has to do with education, there are also Erasmus money for schools – but this always runs through the institutions such as school, professional school, chamber of commerce or college, not for individuals. Even as a student, you don’t apply for ” Erasmus” money, but at your university there is then a contact for Erasmus.