What kind of illness do I have?
I (m, 14) have experienced severe headaches, impaired vision, and vomiting after exercise a few times now. What is this?
I (m, 14) have experienced severe headaches, impaired vision, and vomiting after exercise a few times now. What is this?
I have a cat allergy and two cats at home. It's never been as bad as it is now. I can't sleep through the night, and my asthma inhaler doesn't help. I don't know what to do. I can't give my cats away. My chest always feels so tight. The strange thing is, it's only…
20 days ago, I cut all my hair off (it had been long before). After a few days, I noticed that I felt like I had no hair on my head. My plan was to let my hair grow back. Will it stay like this forever? I ask for a quick response.
I received this offer from my health insurance company two days ago. I'm supposed to present it to my family doctor for enrollment. I've NEVER heard of this program before now; it was supposed to have been legally introduced in 2014 after the test phases. What kind of program is this for chronically ill patients?
Hey, I (male, 14) have had a severe stabbing pain in my left chest, about 4/5 of the way up my ribs, ever since I woke up, and it won't go away. It sometimes spreads to my arm and upper abdomen. I've been awake since 6 a.m. I'm also cold, even though my feet and…
Hello, I played football yesterday and I'm a goalkeeper. We play on artificial turf, so I have a few scrapes. Today I was helping my father on the construction site. I was wearing a short t-shirt. I forgot that I had the wound on my elbow and dirt got in there. The scrape is dry,…
I’m sure you have a doctor.
During my training I became unconscious. I didn’t go to the doctor immediately after that.
Only a few years later I got a diagnosis with an endocrologist. The doctors did not take my problems seriously. Some even thought that I would only imagine the “problems” and better go to a psychiatrist.
It sounds like a violent migraine.
But you can do something about it:
Experts advise on amagnesium citrate, but please do not have magnesium effervescent tablets but correct citrate because only that helps against migraine.
Good improvement
Sounds like concussion