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Just go to your family doctor and make an appointment before he can help you better than we all.
it might be that your sole has a cut as we build up a crack in the foot when we go. The cut must be sewn as the healing without medical intervention takes very long.
good improvement.
it does not bleed, what should be sewn
And since you also wrote that the wound is still not healed after months, the wound must be sewn so that the wound is healed again.
The open wound
I’m writing this for the last time, either you understand it or not. Wounds which are not healed independently after 12 weeks are sewn. Since where your wound is open it is unfavorable because the place is hard and cannot grow by itself.
But how if she’s not out?
Wounds that cannot be healed independently are sewn so that the properly healed again.
I don’t see what you could sew it’s just black
I’m sure that heals it, it’ll sew the skin with the wound so that the wound heals.
Does it heal again? And what are you doing? Does that look normal again?
Yeah, a chronic wound.
Is there really a wound?
If it’s been longer, let’s have a look at the doctor. You shouldn’t do that for yourself.
There’s a wound healing problem behind it.
Is that going back?
Get this with your family doctor.
You should go to your family doctor.