Was hab ich da jetzt gemacht?
Ich hab mir jetzt mal Linux geholt und gedualbootet auf meinem Windows Rechner. Jetzt wollte ich mal was installieren und da Stand dann im Terminal, dass ich fuse installieren soll. Hab ich gemacht und jetzt sieht der Explorer so aus. Wie kann ich das jetzt zurücksetzen?
This is not the “explorer”, but an analysis of disk occupancy. Please open the program “files” or “Nautilus”.
This is an Analyzer, no Explorer. And I don’t know what you’ve set up, but 23 GB of memory are pretty little if that’s the root partition.
That was the memory used. In any case, I had assigned 120GB. Habs already fixed so everything fits
That’s something with drive occupancy. When you enter the “nautilus” terminal, the File Explorer opens again? Best regards
Perhaps you understand the things you install instead of following blind instructions and then complaining?
Looked like a tutorial. And there didn’t happen 😅. Didn’t say that you might have to install fuse. Otherwise I will reinstall Linux
This is not a permanent solution, you can’t blindly follow any tutorial and reinstall your entire operating system every time something goes wrong.
That’s exactly what you do.
Dude, you stop stealing. I’ve already fixed it and now I know why I couldn’t open the AppImages. Needed to install something that is often uninstalled when you press on fast installation. Now I can open all app images. And I also learned that there is an AppImage Launcher that makes all this for you. I also often learn from such small mistakes and usually come out with more knowledge than I actually wanted to know.
I don’t say, I just said you don’t learn what the mistake was when you run around the mistake. In other words, you make untrue claims because you do not understand the German language or understand the concept behind it problems.
You make two mistakes here:
In other words: You project others from yourself.
You only learn from the mistake when you understand it and you don’t understand it right now. Try to understand the German language better before you try to argue against my statements.
By mistake, you can learn more than if you do everything right.
And as I said, I have learned a lot in this way. Let’s go.
No, you don’t learn if you make mistakes, you don’t understand or fix these mistakes and reinstall them. This is the equivalent to not to learn to clean every time to pull, and to say yes I have learned to change the cleaning, so I have learned everything I know about cleaning.
Of course you learn. In this way I learned almost everything I know about Linux and Computer.
That’s why I’m supposed to get more information because I don’t know about Linux.
App Images are not installed, it is as de name already says an image from an app.
I’ll get more information on how to install AppImages. Maybe it works, otherwise I’ve had bad luck
No, you never learn from it because you don’t understand the mistake.
Well, you learn from mistakes 😅. Now I’m gonna install this from leaving. Can live without it.
You click back on the links above?