Was glaubt ihr über Depression?
Es ist ein umstrittenes Thema.
Die einen glauben nicht daran und sagen es sind Gedanken die man umgehen kann und die anderes meinen es ist eine physische Krankheit.
Ich bin eher der Typ der schon daran glaubt aber auch denkt das ein fremder Therapeut einen nicht wirklich helfen kann. Es ist schon irgendwie kopfsache, oder?
I have experienced mental illnesses in my family.
My brother took his life with 37. He was in a clinic three weeks ago. And there I am with you: I don’t understand why he was medically not hired to make him feel better.
It wasn’t accurate, he suffered for a long time. He left us a letter in which he apologized. He wrote that every day is too much. He suffers very much and is not afraid of the dead. The dead man is nothing but an end to all feelings.
I’ve read the book ‘ The Suffering of the Young Werther ‘ before.
When my brother took his life, I often thought of it.
You can not only die of a cancer or a tumor, a mental suffering can be just as bad. And it’s underlying.
Another example: My son had ADHD as a child. It took a long time to get a diagnosis. We were with medical practitioners, psychologists. I got all sorts of tips.
No lactose, no glucose. Flying eighties practice the two brain halves working together. The worst thing I found was a sentence of a psychologist:
I have three children myself! I never did.
So quasi: to deppat for a child!
When the subject of special school fell from school, we decided to take the medical path. We went to the psychiatrist and he immediately realized: ADHD!
A disease that is supposed to not exist after some people…
The doctor recommended us a parent adviser who was worth gold because she was specialized in ADHD children. And he advised us not to talk to other parents about it.
And I can only advise anyone. Because there are so many people who say:
You, I’m sad sometimes. but that’s why I don’t kill myself!
My child is sometimes hilarious, but that’s why I don’t put it under drugs!
People who do not know these problems cannot understand them either!
I have goose skin 😭
My brother is also in a clinic, which is why I want to understand better and I really worry about it.
My condolences to her loss.
Happy you and your brother! I hope he’ll get out of this.
For relatives, it’s really not nice because it seems so meaningless. But you really have to take this seriously and try to get in there.
Here by a person with depression 🙂
There are strong differences between a “depressive detuning”, which is due to, for example, poor phases the people can pass through, such as, for example, a separation etc. A “depression” is a serious mental illness. People with depression can the disease in no way only regulate by “head thing” or thought. It has nothing to do with how to deal with it. You are just sick, just like people with diabetes or other physical illness are simply ill and cannot choose it.
A therapist can certainly help! It must be said that it must always fit between therapist and the patient, but these people have studied for a long time and can work well with the patient. Of course, the patient must be so stable to accept therapy. However, does not mean that you simply say you make a therapy and is cured. Depression can last a lifetime. There are usually more difficult and simpler phases, but it can remain a lifetime and the phases can come again and again!
No one is looking to be sick. I’ve been suffering from depression for 5 years now, and it has nothing to do with headaches. Unfortunately, only people who do not know it themselves…
Thank you for this detailed answer.
I’m sorry you just have to go through this and I wish you good improvement and all good
A depression has nothing to do with faith. You got something completely wrong. Depression is a disease recognised by the World Health Organization. It is run in the ICD-10, ICD-11 and in the DMS-5. (ICD is the directory valid for us, in which all diseases are described). Depression is just like a serious and recognized disease, such as cancer. This has nothing to believe in or to do with it.
Perhaps you mean the self-diagnosed depression of children and adolescents, who simply claim they are suffering from depression, even though no expert diagnosis has been made. This has a lot to do with ignorance and the search for attention. That’s something else, of course. But it should be clear that this doesn’t count as depression because you can’t diagnose yourself. There are precisely defined criteria for diagnosed depression. In addition, only doctors or psychotherapists can diagnose depression.
A depression is a complex disease picture, in which you can not just handle any negative thoughts. It’s not a head or attitude thing. Otherwise, it would be quite easy to recover.
A psychotherapist can help a depressive person that his depression becomes better again. This usually takes quite a long time. In many cases, drugs are additionally used for treatment. Some people even need to be treated stationary in a clinic. An untreated depression is usually getting worse and harder to treat with time. Therefore, you should start the treatment as soon as a diagnosis has been made.
Yeah, everyone can suffer from depression. On average, almost every fifth (in Germany) suffers from depression at least once in life. Depression is a very common disease.
It’s a head thing, but when you talk about psyche, everyone always thinks that’s the thoughts. These are not even the thoughts, but the subconscious, and this often cannot even perceive the brain. For example, I had a time when I was bad every day and I had a stomachache, and it turned out that this came from my subconscious, even though I had no mental problems and didn’t even get it. So, yes, you always think of depressive people that they should think of something else, but that’s not the case. Because they don’t even perceive it themselves.
A “depressive detunement” is something quite different than a real depression.
These are so general and vague statements that one can say “yes” as to the statement that bad weather is rather detrimental.
It is a logical cause of life. In many countries, war is constantly being heard by the bus drivers and other people out there just sting around and sniffing. In the radio, newspaper and news only negative reporting. Each second person is to be pampered in the course of life, the money is extremely unjustly divided, as well as the own problems that each individual poses… I even go as far as I say that, taking into account all these circumstances, is the depressive one that responds logically to the circumstances in the head as one does not deal with these disorders, but should still persist, because people are largely uncooperative and everything that comes to solving the problem is immediately debating with any subjective statements, such as that it must be war and stress, and that everything has a meaning and is not at all. He who is not depressed, and who seems to bounce everything like a concrete wall, is sick.
The living conditions described by you are only a possible cause or rather a trigger of many who lead to the development of depression. In the last few days, however, I have already told you several times. Please do not constantly spread your false opinion on the subject that is not based on scientific facts and that there is no serious source indication. It’s just your personal assessment – no more.
So you want to find war bullying and all this well without breaking it? This is also a mental disorder, called psychopathy. Absolute senselessness. Sometimes it doesn’t need science but pure logic
Talking to friends about it, using news and other media only as far as they do to a good one, have a solidified social environment, exercising hobbies and doing sports to deal with other things, mindfulness training …and not mistakenly call it depression and overvalue it.
No, it’s not even if it doesn’t want to go into your head.
Depression is a healthy reaction to negative external circumstances. That this is not what one of the psychofuzzi says in the doctor’s practice is of course clear because he deserves his medicines.
How to deal with ongoing negative events instead? Why, as a logical thinking person in mind, would it be different if people were to stick together? That makes no sense
You keep repeating the same nonsense. Abhorting war is completely normal. That’s why no one has to go to therapy. And you don’t have to be a psychopath to be able to deal with negative events without suffering from depression. There is a very large, healthy middle way in between. You only see the two extremes. Not the healthy way.
No, it’s not. Depression is a disease and therefore depression in response to a negative event cannot reflect a healthy behavior. In addition, such a reaction is called adaptation disorder and not depression. Of course, wars are terrible, but you’re constantly swaying from the subject of depression.
But a normal person has depression for war. A sick person hasn’t. People die in wars is that good?
But that’s so simple, but what’s so simple, of course, can’t be the solution: so now everyone is supposed to use the therapy for good things and disgust war? The equivalent of this is psychopathy. Complete feelinglessness and machine thinking
Yes, war can have a negative impact on mood. But that’s why you don’t have depression for a long time.
You still understand the term “social” more comprehensive things that have nothing to do with it. You’re looking for a guilty man and you’re supposed to keep the society in the whole. It’s not that easy. Work on yourself and if that’s not enough looking for professional help. Everything else will not keep you.
War ansich has a lot of impact on mood. Especially with the people in the suburbs, unless you’re such a lunatic who finds the war well… then of course not but people on the spot who live the war are, of course, shitting on it. How to be different
Stay on the subject of depression. I doubt Putin’s war of attack is related to your (supposed) depression.
I didn’t do that a few days ago and you understood.
The media are manipulated in Russia by Putin
The Russians think they have to defend themselves. Debates of the European Parliament
Attack and defense are not the same. Think about it.
So why remain ill-like, like almost all others, that the bondage is not a problem and should not be reformed where it is obvious that this is the main cause?
Look at a AI. Everything is more or less linked.
Yeah, that’s true. Depression and other mental disorders often have a complex history that encompasses various factors. These factors may include genetic predispositions, biochemical imbalances, traumatic experiences, chronic stress, physical diseases and lifestyle factors. Here are some details:
1. ** Genetic factors**: There are indications that depression can occur in families, indicating a genetic component.
Two. **Biochemical imbalances**: Changes in neurotransmitters such as serotonin, dopamine and norepinephrine can be associated with depression.
3. **Traumatic experiences**: abuse, neglect or other traumatic experiences in childhood can increase the risk of depression.
4. **Chronic stress**: Long-term stress can affect the brain and the hormone balances, which can contribute to the development of depression.
Five. **Current diseases**: Certain medical conditions such as chronic pain, thyroid disease or heart disease can also cause or strengthen depression.
6. **Lifestyle**: Factors such as unhealthy diet, lack of exercise and sleep problems can increase the risk of depression.
These factors often interact with each other, and it is rare that a single cause is solely responsible for the development of depression. It is therefore important to have a holistic understanding of individual history in order to identify and treat the causes and triggers of depression.
Substances and dysfunctions in the brain are not just that. It all has a history even if you don’t believe it
The main causes for the development of depression are metabolic and functional disorders in the brain, a genetic predisposition as well as development and personality factors.
Just because I don’t share your personal opinion, I’m not sick.
On the side of the Russians there are also enough idiots as here in the country to believe the Putin’s propaganda and to drag him into the war that dreams of a great kingdom. Here in Germany, all the conscientious agents can be carried around by our government including Pistorius. Is war good? So why would you lead him? This thought must be judged by people
Multifactoriell is everything but what is it? Genetics, Trauma, death of a family member, strokes of destiny etc. are all social problems where you have to deal with something. You are more sick than you who does not see the obvious
But you know that depression itself cannot be inherited, right?
In addition, a cause for depression is not sufficient. It’s multifactory. I’ve already told you several times. You just can’t accept anything and just stiffen yourself on your pathetic way of thinking.
Genetically, what is in the genetic material of your growers or even those before or before. If the old grandfather had depression and had it transferred to a genetic one should ask why he has become depressed. If he had not become depressed, he could not have transferred it
On the other hand, they just want to defend themselves and think just like you. That’s why war exists. The disease is that which does not break down from miserable circumstances and does not want to make any difference
‘Genetics also falls under negative society… “
Mine. Genetics is something completely different from social problems.
‘War doesn’t have to give it to the majority of you decide. Anyone who is in military service is a potential killer‘
Both sentences are complete bullshit!
To defend yourself in an emergency does not have the least to do with sick.
Your statements, on the other hand, show that you have a pathologically distorted world image and your opinion is so tight that you are no longer able to reflect on it.
Same with Putin. With medicines full and locked away. Why do people listen to such idiots? This is ill to be negative is the logical consequence of these obviously bizarre circumstances. Why do you listen to such people, how stupid can you be?
Boris Pistorius wants to reintroduce conscription. What is the solution? Lock the guy and kick him up with medication because such people are sick
Because the mass with these fleases relativizes the problems, instead of working on the real core elements in the collective, which are responsible for them as causes. Genetics also falls under negative society because one inherits the crap of the ancestors who have got it because of the circumstances. We must become more positive as a collective and cooperate with each other. War doesn’t have to give it to the majority of you decide. Everyone in the military service is a potential killer. Two pages are always necessary for war, but the other side also thinks so. People just have to get normal and leave the nonsense. It is not so difficult to complicate or relativize everything. The bondage sucks this is now like this; but we need to change it as a collective
No bad life circumstances, fates, etc. no one has to find good. But as has been explained several times, these are not the (single) causes of depression. This has nothing to do with psychopathy. Unfortunately not with logic either. Scientific facts would really do you good so you don’t always meet the same false statements. Don’t you understand what I’m telling you? Or why are you so struggling against the facts?
You can easily see depression through a brain scan…
What’s different in a depressive brain?
I think your thoughts are going in the right direction… I am very much in favour of it as a psychic development process, at the end of which there is a stronger character. For example, by dissolving thoughts, hopes, etc. between reality. However, it is now necessary to “form” unsightly truths and stressful feelings…
I don’t think so.
For my feeling, my depression feels pretty real. Just like the accompanying phenomena 🤷 ♂️.
It is the fact that it is a disease. It’s not about having “mal depressive mood” a depression is much deeper
I think they exist and they’re real. I’ve had depression.
In the Middle Ages, depression was mortal sin.
There was no depression;-)
Depression is social. A depression gets a person when he feels useless.
And you know how? Don’t you think that you just didn’t know the depression at that time?
Factically wrong. They are often medically conditioned and even medically detectable. It’s a disease and that’s a fact.
A disease cannot be socially conditioned.
Factically also wrong. Genetic predisposition and traumatic experiences are usually triggers.
That was black humor. Who had depression hidden it to not be considered a sinner.
Yes, it is. But I didn’t want to explain it in detail to make no one depressed.
That’s true, though.
This depends on how to define illness. Is Apoptosis a disease?
Yes, she can.
This is also correct, but leads to the above.
Depression was at all times. Only because it was not recognized socially, people still suffered. The development of depression is multifactory and can not only be pushed to the feeling of unemployment. Your answer is only so daunted by content errors.
This is the normal case with his answers.
My answer is completely correct. But I do not want to explain it in more detail in order not to trigger depression or even suicide thoughts in any person.
You seem to be a solid, reasonable man. If you want, we could discuss with PN.
Fortunately, I didn’t have to read too much of this user. But here he has already demonstrated clearly that he is completely unconvinced with an exaggerated ego.
You’re probably for God.
🤣 Then tell science about your personal opinion on the subject. I am curious who should be interested.
Science is not as far as I am on this issue.
You don’t have to come to any point. Just stay with scientific facts, please.
That is why I have not come to the point so far.
You only see the surface. Probably you’re like a swimmer in the sea who doesn’t want to know what’s going on under him.