What kind of training is available in the sports sector?
I'm currently considering finishing (dropping out of) my vocational high school diploma because it's not for me and I want to finally earn some money. That's why I'm looking for apprenticeships but I don't know what kind I can do. I'd really like to work in the sports sector because sport is my life and I love it. My question is what kind of apprenticeships are available in the sports sector (e.g. football). There are NLZ's in the football sector and that sounds really interesting. I hope you know of a few apprenticeships that have something to do with that and I also hope that you understand my problem <3.
Fitness shopper/wife can also be made prinizipiell with medium maturity, but it should be relatively good for this, because according to experience there are quite many inmates on quite little training places.
In addition, you could probably only apply for next year as the training year has already started. In principle, one could also enter later, but this is only possible if there is still a place for training.
Sports journalism, sports management and sports psychology are all courses for which at least the specialist department needs.
So it’d be better if you’d finish the subject.
I know people who could also make a sport science study with a completed training?
There are exceptions in Germany, not only for sports but for all courses. But believe that not only training is required, but middle maturity + training + two years of professional practice.
And this will take longer, probably three years of training and two years of professional practice would be five years.
But Fachabitur takes only one or two years and even the full Abitur only two or three years.
Fitness Businessman