Was gibt es bei euch immer zum Frühstück, Abend?

Me: Esse jeden Morgen (außer wenn Schule ist) Brot mit Marmelade und Kochschinken. Abends esse ich immer porridge (mit Milch) mit 3 Stücken Schokolade 🙂

habt ihr auch so was, was ihr jeden Tag esst?:)

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2 years ago

In the morning: freshly baked bread or rolls with div self-made spread or avocado with tomato/champignons. From time to time also with omelet or “cheese/cut”. But always vegetables sticks.

Evening: there is only what if I’m not working. So only on my free days or if I have vacation and then there’s always something else. Means of div soups, cupcake dishes, oven vegetables, stuffed vegetables, sprinkled, goulash, noodles with div sauces, okonomiyaki, sushi, onigiri, div salads, etc etc. always something else and depending on the pleasure and mood. The same thing happens at lunchtime when I’m working.

2 years ago

For breakfast bread with tea sausage or cheese and 1 egg,afternoon to coffee 2-3Kekse and evening yogurt and an apple

2 years ago

In the morning:I never have breakfast

In the evening:Very different, but as good as always something extra with fruit or berries.

2 years ago

In the morning

Lunch noodles with bite or what there is hakt at noon

evening vegetables, salad or you can eat with friends or something

2 years ago
Reply to  Mimi2004471

With Friends -.-