Was genau ist “Semmel”?
Ich dachte eigentlich, das wäre eine Art Brotsorte, aber wenn ich danach google werden mir x beliebig unterschiedliche Brotsorten angezeigt. Bei uns im Lidl hab ich auch nichts unter dem Begriff in der Backwarenabteilung gefunden und es war mir ehrlicherweise auch zu unangenehm, danach zu fragen, weil ich nicht so genau wusste, was Semmel überhaupt bedeutet.
Ich wollte eigentlich Semmelknödel kochen, ich hab’s in einem Kochbuch gefunden und das Gericht zuvor noch nie gehört und schon gar nie selbst gekocht. Im Buch, aber auch in jedem Rezept im Internet steht immer “Semmel” als Zutat. Ist Semmel quasi so ein Oberbegriff für “irgendwelche über-gebliebenen Brotsorten”? Oder hab ist’s doch eine eigene Brotsorte? Wenn ja in welchen Supermärkten kann man danach suchen? Vielleicht als Anhang, ich wohne ganz weit im tiefsten Norden, ist vermutlich also nicht so üblich wie in Bayern, Österreich oder BW.
Semmels are (bright simple) rolls, in some regions this means all-round rolls and in some also specifically the double rolls, but then often still means double rolls.
And this is probably the most common name for a semmel in Germany. The German guiding principles for bread and small pastries also speak of bread. Semmel is actually said only in Bavaria and some parts of Thuringia and Saxony. The Swabians and Badeners, on the other hand, call the bread lovingly pluckle.
…..and all Austria . Net forget!
In the 🫶🏼🫶🏼
As a Bayer, I am very happy to be in Austria. Love goes out into neighborland 😘🫶🏼
But no problem! All right! 🤩🤩🤩👋
Semmel is as similar to rolls, only taste the very different
as well as frying bands, bulettes, meat plants and meat leaves
Semmel can also be a color, such as a mixture of egg yolk and beige
Brötchen have many names
One of them: the Semmel. The word origin can be derived from the middle high German, where semel(e) stood for a bread of wheat flour. The Semmel is of course a very small bread, a bread just. And this is probably the most common name for a semmel in Germany.
Brötchen & Semmel: word origin & simple recipe – Alnatura
What is Semmel in Germany?
Brötchen are a basic food in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. But the names vary depending on the region. In Berlin, for example, one says Schrippe, in Schwaben Wecken, in northern Germany round pieces go over the bakery counter and in Bavaria hot water they sneak.
Brötchen or Semmel?
In Bavaria and Austria “semming” are quite normal rolls.
You can buy the dumped bread in the baker or at the supermarket. But you can also cut your old rolls yourself. It is not possible to make semmelknödel from fresh semmals.
Semmelknödel would not call us a “court”. You’re just a supplement to the pork roast.
So for me, (Come from BaWü, live in Franken) are Semmel table rolls.
It’s supposed to mean buns. Personally, I only use the word rolls and I don’t understand people who say semmel.
All Austria calls it “Semmel”, it is simply a regional name.
Semmel, buns, puffs, snoops. All the same.
Weck in Hesse
Semmel is only the Bavarian expression for buns (and this is also available in different versions) wheat-emmel-white buns, grain-emmel baskets, etc.
They’re buns, and buns sound stupid.
It’s not a nativity.
Schrippe is again a Semmelsorte
Semmel are buns here!
Here you also say “Weck”!
A semmel is a bun.