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1 year ago

Usually you get to the horse in the first riding hour, sometimes on the horse. There the riding instructor looks after the basic body feeling.

1 year ago

Riding participation is easy that you can get anywhere with someone who has a horse, but cannot move or train it enough. You’ll take that one or two times a week.
This is not a riding lesson, it usually brings you no one to ride and usually they are looking for more experienced riders.

1 year ago


So first time riding is really expensive. Especially if you have your own horse at some point. It takes pasture, equipment, veterinarian,…

With a riding share, it is always so that you can ride on a horse, because the owner has no time to care for the horse. That means the horse doesn’t belong to you and you usually don’t have to pay for it, but you don’t get anything.

At the first riding lesson you usually get to know the horses and get to clean them. But always depends on the riding instructor.

1 year ago
Reply to  Sandy442022

you have to pay MEISTENS for it, and a riding share is not possible for people who cannot ride yet. You don’t learn anything, but you might risk head and collar. There’s no need to pay for the equestrians who can do so. that they can almost ride.

1 year ago

What fits into budget and what is too expensive, everyone has to decide or decide. in children, of course, parents. If your parents say it’s too expensive, you won’t be able to shake it much.

You asked the question about the first riding lesson yesterday – read answers would be very helpful and would also show that you are interested in the answers here.

What exactly is a riding share?

Someone cares and rides the horse from someone else on x days a week, how it is designed depends on the owner. The least are looking for pure beginners or children.

What do you do at the first riding hour?

Different – from sitting on it in the step to trains on the Longe everything is possible, depending on the teacher, horse and student.

1 year ago

If it is too expensive, you can ask on the riding farm whether riding hours are possible for help in the stable as exchange. Or you’ll find one that lets you ride on her horse during her riding lesson. There is a board on every farm where other girls offer their horse or even look.
So you can google all the riding farms in your area and then call or go and ask.
But helping out in the stable is hard if you’re small then it’s gonna be a possibility for you.

1 year ago
Reply to  Fukemall

It is very patient to serve. Even to the end, hardly anyone is tolerated without experience, even if the power is present.

1 year ago

A riding turnout is no good for you. You should be able to ride a bit before.

If riding lessons are too expensive for your parents, you must take it that way. How do they not know their budget and their financial plan? Depending on the place of residence and commitment, you can also ride without much money. I had no support as a child, and all 13 marks (similarly worth as today 20 €) pocket money a month. But we lived in the countryside, and I had a bike with 3 courses. So I came everywhere where horses were, I wanted literature for my birthday, diligently shoved crap, and so gradually found the way to the horse.

1 year ago

Two different questions.

A RB is like your own horse. You can work with it and care for it, do stable work (if necessary) etc. This is contractually regulated and can cost between 70 and 200 € per month.

Riding hours means you ride on a school horse that is provided to you by an association or school business. Here the horse is usually prepared for the upcoming hour (putting, saddle, drink). Costs vary. From 20 € to 100 € per hour, everything can be done, depending on the region you are, how big and the stable is, how good the lessons are and whether group or individual lessons are booked.

1 year ago

Depends on the definition “too expensive”.

A riding share costs from €60,- but that makes sense only if you can ride.

I appreciated riding lessons on 20 in the small group.

1 year ago

Hello these are 2 different things, with a riding turnout one assumes that the one can ride well, you have to learn to ride first, that costs a lot of money seen in the years, riding clothes have to pay several hundred euros, and then riding hours approx. 20€ can also be more, one hour costs more

You can take a taster lesson, which is usually a little cheaper

1 year ago
Reply to  Venus345

These “snupeprhours” are almost nowhere. Nobody cares about wasting his time people who only come one, two times. You don’t make people taste good.

1 year ago

That’s like if you have your own horse, so you ride, care, and everything the horse needs. But look at an Occasion page there are cheap deals 200 – 500 dollars. Or in Germany Euro depends on where you live. My sister has a shareholding because our parents cannot buy a horse for both of us. If you get a bagpipe you can save or you start a holiday job. Or anything you can earn with money. Hope could help. produkt️

1 year ago
Reply to  kikiStarstable

Occasion side? Dollar?

Sackpipe? xD

1 year ago

No, that’s not true.

1 year ago
Reply to  pupsnase2

For example, Ricardo or tutti are Swiss sites where everything is Occasion. Maybe you’re just too stupid for that.

1 year ago
Reply to  kikiStarstable

something unharmed, isn’t it?

1 year ago
Reply to  kikiStarstable

who pleases let someone who cannot ride sufficiently well on his horse? That would be an occasion for children’s haters.

1 year ago
Reply to  kikiStarstable


1 year ago


1 year ago

I’m a kid clear? And how would I be a child bunny???? If I’m a child myself??? You know what I’m telling you!!

1 year ago

what for Ricardo

1 year ago
