What exactly is a boy?
Especially in Bavaria you often hear the word Bursche.
Does this mean older male adolescents between 15 and 17, young adult males between 18 and 28, or both?
Especially in Bavaria you often hear the word Bursche.
Does this mean older male adolescents between 15 and 17, young adult males between 18 and 28, or both?
Is that normal or bad? I, a 12-year-old girl, hate colors more than anything. I only wear black. My room is completely black. Everything that can be black is black. Is that bad? And no, it's not a phase; it's been like this my whole life. That's why I'm so glad GF offers a dark…
Is this daring, out of date, or is it acceptable? The trend among boys is to cover their foreheads again. Undercuts with hair pulled back are declining sharply.
Hello. Is there a good pastry shop or a nice cafe near the Lindenthal Zoo in Cologne?
For example, special experiences. Or what you always dressed up as. For example, I was always a cowboy
Hey guys, I have another question. I live on Rügen and am very interested in esotericism and astrology etc. and wanted to ask if anyone who also lives on Rügen knows if there is a great esoteric shop on Rügen🥰.
Does it then cut away more or less?
I’d say between 17 and 25.
one who would never ask so much ! the recognized young fellow citizens .
A Bua is koa Mo.
And as cigarettnbirschal ko si schleicha. Degrading in the sense of the sensed hierarchy in which the spokesman feels superior.
Huh? Which means the above.
A bubble is Bavarian for boy. A boy is not a man. Bursche doesn’t say a Oberbayer. It’s always the scorching birch, the little boy.