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Voltage: Difference of the electron distribution between two points/places.
Example: You have two loaded plates, a positive one, a negative one. There is a tension between them.
Current intensity: banal said how strong a current flows. More precisely, how fast electrons move through a ladder.
After the voltage follows the current, not otherwise (normally).
A lack of electrons is generated at the plus pole of the battery. An excess of electrons is generated at the counter pole (minus pole) of the battery. Therefore, the negative pole rejects the electrons and sends them to the positive pole. The current flow is thus set in motion. Electrons always strive for a neutral state (this is the basic property of electrons). This is based on the principle of electric current. The more electrons move simultaneously through the cable, the higher the current intensity.
The current intensity is measured in ampere.
Current requires a voltage between plus pole and minus pole (voltage is given in volt). The current flow dies without voltage. Electrons are repeatedly removed at the positive pole so that the voltage remains maintained. The different charges at the plus pole and at the minus pole allow the necessary pressure – the voltage – to arise. This voltage between positive pole and negative pole causes the electrons to move.
The current strength and the voltage are two basic electrical variables which are used in connection with electrical circuits. The main difference between current intensity and voltage is that the current intensity measures the amount of the flowing electrical current, while the voltage measures the electrical force or the electrical pressure which drives the current through the circuit.
The current intensity is measured in ampere (abbreviation: A) and indicates how much current flows through a certain point in a circuit.
The voltage is measured in volts (abbreviation: V) and indicates how much electrical force or pressure exists between two points in a circuit.
Best regards
An analogy:
Imagine a water pipe.
The water pressure corresponds to the voltage.
Diameter of the line and possibly. Obstacles (kies) in the same correspond to the resistance. The pebbles to the specific resistance.
The amount of water corresponds to the current.
The higher the pressure and the wider the line and the less obstacles in it, the more water flows through each time unit.
Back to electricity:
The voltage (formal character U) is measured in volt (V).
The resistance (R) in Ohm (Ω). It is determined essentially by material and diameter and length of the conductor.
The current (I) in the ampere (A).
I = U/R. So 1A = 1V/1Ω
The greater the voltage and the lower the resistance, the greater the current intensity.
A voltage of 230V is present at the socket.
The voltage itself is the reason that an electric current can flow at all. The current intensity indicates how much charge per time flows.
Put a cooking hose out of the water. If a lot of water comes out, it’s like the current (I), sprays out the water at high pressure, which is comparable to a high current voltage (U). If a lot of water comes out of the hose at high pressure, this corresponds to the power (P=I*U).
Imagine a circuit roughly like a water circuit in pipes. The current is the water. So the “mass” that flows through the pipes. The voltage is the pressure that drives the water. The higher the pressure (voltage), the more water (current) flows through the pipes (lines) with constant pipe diameter (electr. resistance).
Its current strength is how strong the current flows and the voltage, as tensioned it is