Was geht Euch zur Zeit so richtig auf den Keks?
Klar. Politik!
Was noch?
Klar. Politik!
Was noch?
Interessiere mich schon seit zwei Jahren für das musikbusiness und habe ein Lied geschrieben über die letzten drei Wochen und möchte euch fragen was ihr davon haltet und ob ihr euch sowas anhören würdet: In der Natur in der Natur fabul Natur in der Natur alles weg und sie kommen in der Natur alles wächst…
Darf man von Türkei nach Deutschland Kosmetik (Creme, Haarpflege ect.) verschicken?
Hallo ich habe eine Frage bisher war jede Mathe Klausur in den letzen 3 Jahren bei mir mit der Note 6 bewertet. Nun müsste ich eine Klausur nachschreiben und stelle mir die Frage ob es noch schlimmer werden kann als eine 6. bisher hat der Lehrer mir trotz den schlechten Klausuren immer eine 5 ingesamt…
Hallo zusammen, ich stehe gerade in den Startlöchern um mein eigenes Getränk herzustellen bzw. herstellen zu lassen. Im Kontakt mit einem Grundstoffhersteller, Lohnabfüller und der DFG bin ich schon. Ein Gewerbe habe ich auch schon angemeldet. Gibt es weitere Punkte die ich zu beachten habe? Für jede Hilfe und jeden Hinweis bin ich sehr dankbar.
Das Tier Schwan. Der mit den großen Füssen. Ich persönlich finde, Schwann passt deutlich besser als Schwan.
Heyy Welches Bundesland ist am Schönsten? Ich wohne im Rheinland-Pfalz aber bei mir in der gegend gibt’s nicht so viel schönes 😕 bei mir ist halt Frankreich nah und es gibt viele Burgen bei mir. Aber kein See oder so 😕 in der Nähe bis auf der Rhein. Bei euch so?
I am very concerned with the Ukraine war on the biscuits and that adult men who are the head of an entire nation cannot find a compromise. In addition, weapons and military equipment are still delivered and therefore only more oil is poured into the fire.
If one thing in history should have taught us what, then that is the fact that violence only causes more violence, suffering and death, and it has never been a good thing to provide someone with weapons.
For me, Germany’s only concern is that the political contacts are ultimately “maintained”. The people who die will become homeless, will be afraid every day and will not be able to take care of themselves. Furthermore, all the soldiers (compulsory) who had to leave their family to remain in a war area forced from outside, even though the majority of them no longer have weapons in their hands and all of them are heading for a cold war with small steps.
For us it is easy to sign a note with the weapons deliveries, to get a damp hand pressure and then go home, to chill on the sofa and to bite into our crisp sausages.
That’s annoying me.
Putin is like a little boy if he doesn’t get what he wants he starts crying and just gets it
The current mood in Germany
Exaggerated high prices
Poor infrastructure
Demos against the right that form the majority.
That the promise of the parties, no to lead migration campaign, was not observed.
Almost daily a woman is killed because she is a woman:
No campaign theme, no demo, nothing. They’re just women and girls.
So my work because I’m the ex and I’m the boss’s wife. Waa is basically not a problem. But in difficult times like this one does not get a regular salary.Weil complain only the others. However, if there are any difficulties. Must call in bad situations and settle the situation.
Because my ex always says I can do well. Always do it, but I don’t find it anyway.
My grade is three months behind. I’m in the lease for two months. How to take? I can’t cut out the ribs.
That’s what I’m talking about.
I don’t understand why you like that.
Do you feel like a good person when you sacrifice yourself to this even if you ruin yourself?
You’re just being exploited massively and bringing yourself into an untenable situation. With three months of lease, a forced clearance threatens. Is it worth the cheap shoulder knock you get in return?
You should immediately set a short period within which your outstanding salary must be paid and otherwise go to the labour court. And please don’t fall in on any rogue and rummy of your ex. I’m sorry if I say that right now, he’s probably laughing secretly about your stupidity.
The weather is very bad. The sun hasn’t come out right for months. It’s always a gray layer in the sky. Cold passes through the country.
Then I am annoyed that I still have to wait 4 months for the practical driving licence examination, although I can now drive quite well (learning period is one year in Switzerland).
There are a lot more points, but let’s do this.
No more real winter. I mean with snow and stuff. Where I live, it’s usually only wet cold and wet. It used to be white for weeks.
expensive butter prices and other prices.
Have some (almost) tripled…
…not without reason!
True, the packs have become bigger
That was irony.
No, the overall packaging of the products are becoming smaller (content), but the price for it is higher.
The damn state, my school & the children’s money bank
Short explanation:
I think I need too long to pick up my abis
I work faster
my school brakes me out & I think I work too fast despite 2nd cut
children’s money makes more print
school makes more print
and I’ll get off soon when that goes on, what a hell of a bunch life is sometimes
A lot.
All these wars, my family and false friends are just going to my cookie lately.
My friend… we were supposed to marry and today he tells me that doesn’t go…you see in my last questions/contributions..najah it’s annoying and I have to break the contact….
Heat pumps and basic tax.
Everywhere gloomy mood and war and cold
The empty and unstoppable promises by the federal German politics/parteia in the election campaign to the coming Bundestag election on 23.02.2025.
How true!!!!
Let’s get our country back together on 23.2 .
The devil is to get you
Veterinaries eaten them all.
I never win 70 million euros plus in the lottery!!
That’s a stupid bitch.
But a Hesse with heart 😉
Does the heart he gives me 10 million euros?
Joar If you ask kindly with a gun, I’m sure. 😂
Users who think they ask good questions. These are usually children or youth leashes. A few adults, too.
Users who hate or think that their cheap advertising is no longer noticeable.
When I list all this, the server crashes and good question is down.
The weather.
I want warm. I want colour. I want spring!!!
Sun, colorful flowers, warmth 🙏🏼
Bird whips <3 We two understand each other
I cannot see my forehead
Apart from the political far-left madness in Germany, I still see the dark cold weather on the cookies.
Tiktok audiance
Especially on this page these unbearable AFD Fanboys, alternatively Trump admirers. No one else produces so obvious and stupid suggestions and feels great.
Oh, yeah, and Incels with their human-inspiring worldview.