Was gehört nicht zur Insolvenz?
Guten Tag,
ich möchte Privatinsolvenz anmelden, da ich knapp 20000€ Schulden habe.
Meine Schulden sind:
9000€ Krankenkasse
7000€ Arbeitgeber
3000€ Inkasso
1000€ Landesverkehrdienst
Welche dieser Schulden wäre bei einer Privatinsolvenz nicht inbegriffen?
Sollten Sie mehr wissen müssen um die Frage zu beantworten, schreiben sie mir Privat.
Vielen Dank für jede Hilfe
It would have to be clarified what this is or how it came about. The rest should fall into the RSB.
These are still fees for the driving licence loss plus processing fees.
You’ll probably have to pay.
It depends less on who you have the debt than what it is for debt. In essence, liabilities resulting from intentional offences or from maintenance obligations are excluded, which are somewhat simplified.
This is called “out of unauthorized action.”
Now, the employers’ debts that have arisen “from unauthorized action. Could this be a problem?
I know that an unauthorized action is not necessarily a crime. But it’s almost always going to happen. I wrote that I simplified it.
This should not go to your burden, in doubt the insolvency court will have to decide. Perhaps there is no request to do so.
If you didn’t do this intentionally, it’s covered by the residual debt relief.
Had done a wrong booking and the money has disappeared after that. Since I was the last with the money, I was charged the repayment.
Let’s be honest. Your answer was also inaccurate and conjunctive. (The rest should fall into the RSB). You don’t know exactly what this is for debt, but you guess something. I think that is basically completely legitimate, but then you should have others with similar (and yes also marked!) Inaccuracies don’t act like that.
Or he wouldn’t ask.
If you can’t answer it properly, you don’t answer it first.
How did they get it?
How did they arise?
I don’t see a problem. After all, the questioner should also be able to imagine something. The concept of unauthorized action only provokes demand.
It’s in court. But there will be no more than a rough assessment of the legal situation. And demand is permissible.
dealing with legal questions is not “simplified”; here only what is in the law and only that.