What all is included in white laundry?
Does this only apply to completely white clothes? If, for example, I have white socks with a black Nike emblem on them, do they no longer belong in the white laundry? I've heard that anything with even the smallest dot of color or black on it is no longer considered white laundry. So, white laundry is only completely white laundry without anything on it or containing other colors.
Have heard everything where even a small point of color or black is on it, is no whitewash anymore
Man/woman can also overdo it!
I also give laundry with 2 to 10 points in whitewashing
Yes, there’s something like that. Only if there’s a lot of paint on it, not necessarily.
Problem: in full detergent is bleach, which makes the laundry whiter.
Bsp: white socks with colour rings on it.
You have to die.
Everything that’s not colorful. Towels are usually colorful, but are washed together with white linen.