Was gefällt Euch am besten in Budapest?
- Imposantes Parlamentsgebäude. …
- Kettenbrücke und Váci utca. …
- Andrássy út und Heldenplatz. …
- Burgviertel: königliche Residenz, Burgpalast, Fischerbastei. …
- Margitsziget: ab auf die Insel. …
- Erzsébetváros, das jüdische Viertel in Budapest. …
- Ein Muss: die Märkte in Budapest.
It’s a little rebuilt, then nothing is done and it’s slowly falling.
The brittle facades are beautiful.
The tourist sites shine, has been completely rebuilt in recent years. The homeless have been chased, has become criminal for them to stay in the city centre.
I can recommend the Trianon monument and the memorial for the victims of the German occupation, which are very centrally located, to reflect – what you want to say with it. The monuments around Parliament and which have been there before.
Otherwise yes, the Danube and the Buda mountains on the one hand and the Pester side on the other – has something.
But otherwise – smog, jam, marine exhausts, garbage, etc. – would be the other side. I’m more of the nature type that makes his vacation there.
If you want to go to the restaurant, I recommend looking at the reviews on Google Maps first – but for any other city too!
That there are so many attractions that you can all easily walk, it’s almost all compact together.
This is about the total genetic part: https://bittevanden.de/warum-ich-dir-budapest-unrecommended-can/
The policy of Viktor
I wasn’t in Budapest yet
Let’s go.