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My meadow was fed, hay satt, straw to crispy and sleep in it, and after the settling his mineral food teeth.
Then there were zig worm cures because the “breeder” did not escape and at the end a blood bluff and nutrient supplement. Today he is 3.5 years old, squeaky and sometimes really exhausting.
in summer grazing grass and in winter heu. depending on the volatility, there are minerals and vitamins. a foal must not grow too fast or too slowly.
but that makes the angry and not a private person.
especially since a horse and even a foal should not be kept alone.
Yes, my question was actually something more detailed: what exactly you feed! That is hay, straw and possibly I know extra food. And that one must not stand alone! What was unfortunately not asked in my question.
then you have to ask a more detailed question.
the problem is who is qualified to raise foal, does not need to ask here.
are foal individual, you have to treat them individually in the breeding.
Which exactly comes to the foal itself. Let blood make, see if it even needs mineral food or vitamins, then buy exactly matching.
I can only laugh about such an answer. Every person, whether professional or not professional, can ask what he wants. There are also people in the answers that have understood my question since you do not have it, do not answer first.
@MilleW good idea 😊
They eat through the fertilizers, blood images are created from the horse and analyses from the growth of the pasture, or hay.
If necessary, it is supplemented, but always only laboratory support.
Ready. In the summer grass, optionally adapted depending on the breed.
Please do not feed a foal starter or similar. Instead, it’s better to offer hard ground. Foal starters let the bones grow faster, but the tendons do not come after. Hard soil, on the other hand, gives good growth incentives for bones and tendons and all other structures.
Good hay, good straw both as much as they want and as a feeder there is special settling food. This is still quite important when it comes to putting down and for the first time. Later, hay, straw, grass and mineral limestones are usually enough
Grass and hay, which is required according to development. You don’t ask a TA in a Laienforum! Breeding mistakes have horses in baggage forever. If you’re going to be mum, you’re talking about feeding your baby with professionals (Doctors, Hebamme,..) and don’t ask in the net….
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