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2 years ago

At the driver’s curse. Doesn’t matter if someone has a serious injury or just a light one. It may entail fines and prison sentences, as well as the withdrawal of the licence.

This is clearly regulated in the Criminal Code. Here is the corresponding paragraph:

Criminal Code (StGB)

§ 142 Unauthorized removal from the accident site

(1) An accident operator who, after an accident in road traffic, moves away from the accident site before he


for the benefit of the other persons involved in accidents and the injured, the person, his vehicle and the nature of his participation by his presence and the indication that he is involved in the accident, or


has been waiting for a reasonable time after the circumstances, without anyone being willing to make the findings,

is punished with imprisonment for up to three years or with a fine.

(2) In accordance with paragraph 1, an accident participant shall also be punished.


after the expiry of the waiting period (paragraph 1 no. 2); or


entitled or apologise

has been removed from the site of the accident and the findings are not immediately made possible subsequently.

(3) The obligation to make the findings possible subsequently shall be met by the accident operator if he informs the person entitled (paragraph 1 no. 1) or a nearby police station that he has been involved in the accident, and when he enters his address, his stay, the registration number and the location of his vehicle, and that he considers it available to him for immediate findings for a reasonable time. This does not apply if he intentionally verifies the findings by his behaviour.

(4) In the cases of paragraphs 1 and 2, the court alleviates the penalty (section 49 para. 1) or may abstain from punishment under these provisions if, within twenty-four hours after an accident outside the flowing traffic, which results exclusively in non-essential damage, the accident participant voluntarily makes the findings possible subsequently (paragraph 3).

2 years ago

All possible. Prison, fine, driving licence, points in Flensburg, etc.

You don’t just leave a injured person (no matter how bad it is)!

Because it’s not just a driver’s curse, it’s also a lack of help!

2 years ago

For the driver’s escape prison up to three years, points in Flensburg or directly a driving ban.

For the injury damages and pain money payment

2 years ago

to prison can be anything in it + pain and damages

2 years ago

All possible until prison, all right!

Are you supposed to scare off, ’cause what a bad pig you have to be to leave someone?

And from the side fighter, there’s still a lot of pain money.