Was für regeln gibt in einer Wohngruppe?

Hallo, da es sein kann das ich in eine Wohngruppe ziehen muss wollte ich wissen was für regeln es dort gibt. Darf ich jeden Tag raus nach der Schule ? Muss ich mein Handy abgeben ? Muss ich da drogentest machen ? Und könnte ich abends auf dem Fenster ein Joint rauchen und falls das nicht geht teile oder anderes in der Wohngruppe konsumieren ? Oder läuft es da mit taschenkontrollen ab und strengen regeln? Danke im Voraus

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1 year ago

Be very courageous and call in the group of dwellings, which is considered for you, and then ask all the questions about which answers can only be speculated wildly here.

Maybe you’re in a boat camp; then you will be so through in the evening that you only want to go to bed – and not with the joint to the window.

1 year ago

you live there with youth, otherwise there are also the rules that apply to people everywhere in deutscland.

if you are not totally handy you can also keep handy. dzu must certainly help to buy and cook, wash and clean up rooms.

1 year ago

Depends on what you’re coming into. It was also in a residential group that you had to handy in the evening or the wlan was made. Smoking was allowed only from 18 but they were not so strict. And there were bedtimes that were different to any age. Otherwise, there were many tasks e.g. kitchen cleaning cellar and so on and everyone had to cook once in the week. Even times were different depending on age

1 year ago

The rules will be different everywhere. But there are certain basic things – drugs you will be able to forget. Sure you can’t be out at night. I don’t think it’s time for a partner. And, of course, you have to keep your stuff up, do your homework. …