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Wie viel ml Wasser und wie viel Gramm Reis brauche ich für 3 Portionen Reis im Reiskocher?
Hallo 🙂 🙂 🙂 Ich habe mir einen Reiskocher bestellt und möchte für 3 Personen Reis kochen. Welche Menge Reis und Wasser brauche ich, damit mir das auch gelingt? Spielt die Reissorte eine Rolle? Welchen Reis nehme ich am besten? LG
This depends on the type of dish.
Panoramic stuff, scavengers, pork roasts, poultry, roast potatoes, gnocchi or polenta.
For Italian dishes, I use either olive oil or a mixture of butter and olive oil.
I use peanut oil for Asian dishes.
I use rapeseed oil for salads.
Oha peanut oil, I have to remember.
If you know how to do this, it’ll be great.
for brat potatoes etc. I take margarine.
half a liter of oil lasts about half a year with me – depending on how often I bake muffins. I just need muffins and salats. I like to take avocado oil.
To roast almost everything, I take a refined rapeseed oil. To dune vegetables a good olive oil. To roast fish I take coconut oil, I love the taste in combination with fish and lemon.
If I need high temperatures and butter is not suitable, I take butter and/or rapeseed oil.
Raps. No special taste, cheap.
I’m seldom guessing. The normal bottle is 1-2 YEARS.
The cheapest rap oil from the discounter.
High-quality oils begin to smoke at higher temperatures. ;
this usually depends on the taste of the person who wants to fry something. . I have learned to use either normal sunflower oil or as I do it however, a good olive oil…
So I always have a bottle of rapeseed oil as a laying oil. However, I prefer to do all kinds of lard and tallow – in particular butterschmalz because of the vegetarians but for me also pigschmalz, cattle tallow or chicken fat – and if the taste fits coconut fat. Or sometimes it may be butter when something goes fast. All this is always annoying me but and is expensive therefore the rapeseed oil is there.
Sandwiches or generally roast bread I like to add to spice oil, chilli oil or garlic oil.
Sometimes I also take smoked abdominal peck as a frying starter, because you can only roast it in yourself and then other things like onions in it.
Since the price increases, I have been using olive oil almost raw or for tomato sauce. And I don’t have one more times.
Often and barley butter, especially for meat and roast potatoes. In addition sometimes rapeseed oil, rare sunflower oil, both more for vegetables.
I’m just gonna take butter scarf. A little olive oil is added to the further roasting at a lower temperature, depending on the dish.
I usually take a simple “sunflower” or “raps” oil, the “price value” brand.
A bottle like this holds “eternally” with me.
I don’t have any special oil.
I usually take sunflower oil or rapeseed oil.
Sunflower oil.
Stinks least.
This is heavily dependent on what I actually do.
lg up
Then I’ll make it concrete. : What do you take to roast vegetables, rice, noodles?
Assuming that I would do this independently of a concrete dish, I would tend to butterschmalz for vegetables (which naturally depends on the respective vegetables, not in any case so), in the case of rice and noodles, I would rather tend to rapeseed oil. But, as I said, it is not possible to answer it on a flat-rate basis. Especially rice and vegetables I have already fried in olive oil if it fits the respective recipe (even for Mediterranean cuisine I like this).
Olive oil or butter.
TheDragonflight 😊
Butter or sunflower oil and rapeseed oil
Olive oil, rapeseed oil, butter rare coconut oil.
Depending on what I’m getting, cook
Aldi rape or sunflower oil.
Sunflower oil or buttershed.
I’ll take rapeseed oil.
Olive or rape
Butter or refined olive oil
Sunflowers oil or buttershed..
Usually rapeseed oil
For if it does not have to be as hot as with pancakes also butter
fries fat