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Junge Bands wie Slipknot, KoRn etc.?
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K-Pop, J-Rock, Metal,… my playlist consists of approx. 15,000 songs, there’s almost everything.
Due only genre that I really do not hear and will never be found in my playlist are Schlager & Deutschrap.
Liedermacher, such as Reinhard Mey, Udo Jürgens, Sarah Lesch, Ina Deter.
German-Rap, like Fabian Römer, Trettmann, Spektacoolär, Alligatoah.
German-Folk-Rock, like Subway to Sally, Saltatio Mortis, Versengold, Last instance.
German-Folk-Pop, such as Ougenweide, Zupfgeigenhansel, Liederjan.
Relaxation music like Enya, Era, Enigma, Mike Oldfield, Terry Oldfield, Sally Oldfield, Stig Kreutzfeldt.
Melodic or Symphonic Metal, like Nightwish, Within Temptation, Metalwings, Epica.
GDR rock, like Berluc, Transit, Stern Meissen, Magdeburg, Silly.
New German wave, like Nuala, Peter Schilling
International rock and folk rock music, such as Divokej Bill, Closterkeller, Korpiklaani, Sigur Ros, Alestorm.
Music must appeal to me musically or textually, and then the genre is secondary. What I don’t like is the music that is constantly being plified everywhere, like percussion, folk music and gangster rap. I just think that’s boring.
Hi, I’m very big in music, that’s almost my life. I like to hear only pop and K-pop(Korean pop)but only Blackpink,I love her so much.
Rock, Punk,Jazz I can’t stand out(sry.)
But this is not my music taste.
LG Stella
U.a. very happy Krautrock. There was a lot of experimental and not always so terribly serious.
The Heidelberg GURU GURU belonged to the bands, which once again refreshedly spanned the bow…
“The Living Radio”
Epic music, classic, older music
Soundtrack also likes
Deutschrap, by many different , mero, bobby,…
Or sometimes so simple Turkish songs different which direction
Classical and film music
Just what by Alexander Eder
Symphonic Valley
I like Nightwish with Tarja, Within Temptation, Metalwings, Epica and Xandria. Van Canto also has good songs in the direction.
Absolutely. I like Floor Jansen more. It’s a taste. Dream Theater also not to forget
wool Petryð
I like to hear rock and pop, both in English and in German and Italian, as well as hits.
Normal radio music: 80s, 90s, Oldies and Schlager