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I can only speak of myself and my environment (I myself and my twin, we are perceived by our environment – and ourselves – as above average intelligent and educated, and accordingly our circle of friends is more intellectual, so we have to be able to exchange: Rock & Metal, Classics, Blues & Jazz, Gothic, World Music, Avantgarde, Experimental, Classics & Evergreens
A few statistics that illuminate the subject inversely (so that the audience is above average educated and intelligent, but of course you can’t always turn everything around), have already failed to me: For example, fans of metal cut off better, or even gothic (Post-Punk, Deathrock, Dark/Cold/Ethereal Wave, Gothic-Rock). And of course the “cultivated” genres such as classical and jazz. Together, these genres have relatively complex structures and compositions. In the gothic genre, the texts are also more demanding. So it sounds conclusive. But that does not mean that everyone in the scene is.
It is difficult to express and judge.
People who do not rely on conscience can also be inspired by something completely innovatvem and do not rely on a certain genre.
It is also the fundamental question of whether it is good to answer a question in which people are defined as “spicy”. For if you do this by yourself, then you don’t seem really credible anymore.
However, one can very well define oneself as quite flexible people or want to see oneself as such.
So I would define it quite fogendly: if you see yourself as quite flexible in the taste of music, then you are open to some types of music, and not just for a similar genre. However, one can still be guided quite from the feeling.
Smart is perhaps not the right term.
I suspect music trained people, as well as from a certain amount of intelligence, probably prefer more demanding, more complex music,
simply because she bores stubborn music.
No ballermann hits, punk, black metal or marsh music.
You can still find challenging music among almost all genres. Jazz, Classical, World Music, Contemporary, Pop, Prog-Rock, Symphonic-Metal and the like, all the way to electronics, and again and again at the Schlager.
Is TxT and BTS more complex music????
What do you mean complex pieces of music?
refined arrangements, rhythm change, mood change, orchestrated, playful superpositions, abstract, varied, genre mix, experimentally, to throw the courage of old listening habits together, among others.
Also in the K-Pop there are always challenging tracks. Most of them are located in the mainstream and served on proven patterns and catchy refrains to succeed and cash.
K-Pop is subject to the same mash as the girl and boy groups in the 1980s. The bands are compiled according to beauty ideals. A profitable business.
True to the cliché, they hear classics or songwriters or jazz, blues and so ambitious stuff, but you can’t generalize it either. I also know intellectual purest water that can hear hits or metal or techno and start with “intellectual” genres nix.
Metal is also “intellectual” because the structures of the genre are quite complex and the music is demanding. And with certainty, among the fans of demanding, experimental or cultivated genres, one finds more than average intelligent and/or educated people than with rather simple music. But that’s still individual, of course, you’re right.
That’s true – and also really well-produced, high-quality techno music is a very demanding, versatile and possibly strenuous listening experience, for example, I remember quadrophonia – you really have to stop and process that is much more than “bumm-bumm-bumm”.
Oh yes, if it’s not just the repetive mainstream, techno can be very complex!
You can’t say that because music is taste and not intelligence.
Statistically, however, the Schlager-Hörer is certainly more unintelligent than the House-Hörer 😉
‘Schlaue’ (music) People can never be converged by genres, constantly expand their horizon and don’t go with a trend.
You can’t answer that on a flat-rate basis.
Sensually, intelligent people are usually open-minded with different musical directions, often hear instrumental pieces and very rare Gangster Rap.
So is agust d Korean rap music also Gangster rap?
The text makes the gangster. There is also Rap/Hip-Hop for intellectuals.
There are science slams for and with students.
I don’t understand the text that rapper had depression he talks about it I am self depressive
Smart people listen to the music they like and don’t like what others might think about it.
Phonk/ Hardstyle
And probably Mozart😭
Phonk? Seriously? XDD
Phonk is a TikTok trend, the platform of stupidity.
classical music
Clever people ignore the partly reciprocating lyrics of songs and listen to the instruments when the texts are bad – recurring texts can have (negative) suggestive effect. Even more clever, their music just makes itself… 🙂
Not Germanrap!
I know 3 very clever people who make very little music.
I know smart people who hear classics, I know smart people who hear heavy metal.
I don’t know any smart people
Sad 😞
Despite the extreme differences, both genres have a lot in common: complex structures and a certain claim.
But the noise … 🤯
Metal is for me stop noise
Noise? You only seem to know the cliché of Deathmetal, which in itself is only a very small proportion of the genre.
Psy trance
More classic, less rap.