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If Triangel and Tamburin don’t count, then none.
Why do I answer anyway?
Because I’m a little upset. I would like to play an instrument like this, but despite several attempts, I lack the understanding.
Then stop trying to understand, let your heart speak, take the instrument of your dreams and learn to improvise.
Be patient with yourself, but there are brilliant musicians who just feel they can’t read a single note.
Thank you. That’s sweet.
I have never tried the instrument of my dreams since it is very expensive.
And I couldn’t get it as there’s no one here.
My dream would be the saxophone, but not the little one.
Blade through music houses and explain this to them. Otherwise also music schools. Even if there were no possibilities, this could pave the way to someone who has it.
Concert guitar, electric guitar and recently started with electric bass.
I can’t do drums.
I still have a few more or less shaken skills on the piano from my youth and knowledge at the entry level on the guitar
lg up
When I was a kid, I could play flute, but I haven’t tried that since. At the moment I learn violin and (because violin is too loud for the WG) e-bass.
I could play piano (and keyboard and a bit of organ). Had piano lessons for 9 years, but somehow stopped playing piano.
LG Zitro 🍋
I can play piano. It’s a lot of fun, even if practice is sometimes annoying.
I am a newcomer on the electric guitar and play my Firebird V from the deepest soul.
I’m not as good as I’d like for a long time, but at some point I’m going to achieve this, I’m more motivated than ever… with the right guitars in my hand 😄
I used to play guitar, but I wasn’t really good. What I can do is singing in the vocal position Bass/Bariton.
So I play:
Are you playing every day???
I can play keyboard or piano
Could be a piano…
But now violin and sing in the choir
Only gitarre then lighter and after a work accident at the left hand I had to start with piano.
Guitar and piano.
I can piano, drums, guitar, bass and singing
I can only play on the piano.
I can’t play an instrument. 🤣😂
LG Maike
Keyboard and I could once record
Piano and keyboard
Have lessons in my life with several instruments: guitar, flute, flute and then keyboard and now piano
all drums, rattles, triangles and 👇
TheDragonflight 😊
lighter and piano, some strange combi
With me drums and violin and viola
It’s still funny XD
Euphonium.Bin very well in and in an orchestra.
I play piano M15 😀
Guitar, bass, piano and clarinet.
Guitar and a little drum/percussion.
I can play guitar.
(E/A/TA/B) Guitar, Percussion, Kazoo, Piano, Keyboard, Organ, Triangle, Mundharmonika, … and “Votes/Gesang” (< even with training) ... :)
Drum, guitar and piano.
Electric guitar