Was für Hilfen gibt es für psychisch kranke Alleinerziehende Mütter?

Folgendes Problem:

mein erstes Kind wurde mir damals weggenommen, weil ich nicht bereit war alles aufzugeben und in eine Mutter-Kind-Einrichtung zu gehen. Dies ist jetzt 2 Jahre her. Ich bin jetzt wieder schwanger. Die Situation ist etwas anders als damals. Ich habe Borderline und Depressionen und stehe auf der Warteliste für eine Verhaltenstherapie, das war damals Voraussetzung vom Jugendamt, die ich nicht erfüllen konnte. Ich war in Therapie (Tagesklinik) 6 Wochen lang um mich etwas zu stabilisieren, habe einen gesetzlichen Betreuer, der meine Finanzen regelt. Regelmäßig 1 mal die Woche bin ich bei meinen Eltern und besuche mein Kind dort, da es dort aufwächst. Ich befürchte das wird dem Jugendamt aber nicht reichen, um das Kind zuhause behalten zu dürfen ohne in eine Mutter-Kind-Einrichtung zu müssen. Was kann ich noch für Hilfen beantragen? Jemand der täglich nach mir und meinem Kind dann schaut. Was gibt es da für Hilfen? Ich möchte mich bevor ich mich beim Jugendamt melde und denen verrate, dass ich wieder schwanger bin zumindest denen vorweisen können dass ich alles was an Hilfen geht beantragt habe und die mir nicht gleich mit Androhung von Mutter-Kind-Heim kommen können. Bald ist die Geburt, ich habe noch nichts beantragt und habe Angst dass mir das Kind nach der Geburt entrissen wird, zumal kurz vor meiner Entbindung wieder ein Hilfeplangespräch wegen meinem ersten Kind stattfindet und spätestens da sehen die dass ich wieder schwanger bin. Die fühlen sich doch dann auch verarscht… Ich bin echt ratlos, meine Betreuerin kümmert sich um sowas leider überhaupt nicht, sondern nur um die Finanzen. Ich bin echt überfordert. Der Kindvater scherrt sich auch einen Scheiß um mich und das Kind.

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2 years ago

Hello, dear,

what scares you in the thought of a mother – child – institution? That would be exactly the way you wish. Your baby can stay with you and you have daily contact persons who are there for you and give you help where you need it. I’ve read that the therapy at the day clinic has done you well and you’d prefer to extend the time there. Did the doctors know about your pregnancy?

The structure in the daily routine has done you well – similar might help you live together in a mother – child – institution. You’ve done a lot of things in the last two years, and you’ve got help. You can build on that now.

In any case, the Youth Office has an interest in making it with the child.

I’m so sorry that your baby’s father lets you down. Being there all alone for a newborn baby is really not without. But with support, you can do it.

What do your parents think about it? How nice that your big can grow up there and you can see it every week. Are you living far away from your parents?
I don’t know if that’s another option that you’re moving very close to your parents and taking over the guardianship for your baby?

What do you mean?

2 years ago

Honestly, in your situation, I would not see the mother-child-heim as a threat, but as an opportunity to come in with a companion to everyday life with a child and then to be able to carry it on at home later.

Maybe it was communicated wrong.

You’ve been waiting for two years now, maybe a few weeks to get routine as a mother, to have the security that someone is still there and then to carry on at home!

2 years ago

There are counselling centres that have nothing to do with the Youth Office first, as well as the Caritas etc. They definitely know some points of contact with regard to Help.

However, before the hpg you should already make a pure table, otherwise it looks really stupid.

usually you can’t just tear your child apart from the facts of a child’s welfare in space, or There’s an attest from you that proves that.

and if all knits tear, you should jump over your shadow to your well-being and well-being of the child and go to a recommended institution. As much as I know, you can take off again when the ones see over a longer period that there will be no danger or a deception.

2 years ago
Reply to  Kira88650

Do you have a midwife?

2 years ago

This would possibly also be helpful in the context of the “I’ll take care of it” and then it comes to both, if necessary. Before birth and also after birth, look after the baby and after you .

2 years ago

It’s great you worked so hard on you. Perhaps the Youth Office could provide you with an outpatient help (e.g. family help) instead of insisting on a mother-child institution.

2 years ago
Reply to  SkR1997

Love Isasonni,

I really go after your story because I – as I see – see how intense you worked on you. What do you think of her proposal? Certainly, your experiences with the Youth Office were not so great in the past. But these employees are really about your kids doing well. In this sense, they’re on your side, because you want that too. That’s why I’m trying to get you back to talk to them about your possibilities. A family help could also be a way to stay in your apartment. Unfortunately, you did not respond to the good suggestions here.

Why don’t you write again what you think might best help you.

All the best and best wishes
