Was für Hautprobleme haben die Menschen?

Wegen Ausschlägen auf meiner Haut will ich zu einem Hautarzt. Ich habe bei mehreren Hautärzten nach einem Termin gefragt und ich bekomme überall erst in zwei Monaten einen Termin. Woran liegt das? Was für Hauptprobleme haben die Leute, dass Hautärzte so ausgebucht sind?

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1 month ago

Skin physicians are also concerned with the topic of “allergology” and this has increased considerably in recent years.

In addition, there are some too few skin doctors. And if I look at the opening hours of ours…

A waiting period of two months is still acceptable. I made an appointment for my son. He’s only four months later.

1 month ago

I’ve already asked myself. It’s been so extreme for two or three years. You didn’t have to wait so long before.

1 month ago

The other people have problems like you. The real problem is that there are little skin doctors for many patients.

However, there are online doctors to whom you can send photos against a treatment fee and which will then give you recommendations as well as prescribe medicines.

1 month ago

If it’s bad you can go to the outpatient clinic

1 month ago

This is the case with all specialist doctors and not only with dermatologists, they can decide for their own practice how many patients receive them. Talk to the health insurance company, they could also help you find a doctor.