Was für Gründe gibt es um weiter zu leben?
Die frage steht im Titel und nein brauche kein Hilfe oder so
Die frage steht im Titel und nein brauche kein Hilfe oder so
Ich wollte anfangen Ashwagandha zunehmen weil es mir psychisch echt nicht gut geht und meine Freunde meinten dass man dann nicht mehr traurig ist oder es weniger wird stimmt das? und im Internet steht auch dass es gegen Depressionen hilft
Meine Ma sagt, es könnte ein Problem sein mit Sv und so… Ist das so ein grosses Problem?
Ich würde dies gerne beenden aber die meisten wollen weitermachen? Sollte man sich vor solchen menschen distanzieren?
Ich habe eine Esstörung .. Ich bin mitten in der Nacht wieder aufgewacht und hatte wie immer Hunger. Habe mir dann eine Tiefgekühl Pizza mit Salami und Käse Rand gemacht und dabei eine Müllermilch getrunken mit der Hoffnung danach geht es weg und ich kann weiter schlafen, hat aber überhaupt nichts gebracht. Habe dann zwei…
Ich (24) hatte mit einem Mann (30) zwei Dates, die sehr gut liefen. Vorab, was wichtig ist zu wissen, ich bin ein emotionaler Mensch mit vielen Gefühlen. Aber bei den Dates war ich beides Mal sehr zurückhaltend in meinen Augen und eher ausgeglichen. Jetzt als wir aber wieder geschrieben haben nach dem 2. Date meinte…
There are no objective reasons for survival.
There are no reasons for dying.
If you continue to live, many beautiful experiences will reveal to you. You’ll have fun, learn things and grow on you. Even if you may not see it now, you will appreciate your life in many times. Your entire being and the entire time of the universe only takes place in life. Death follows automatically at some point.
The little things. The next season of the favorite series, the next football match, the next meeting with friends, the laughing of your family. That’s how I lived for years, set short targets. Just wrote a chapter… At some point, the goals will become bigger again
We’re all here for learning.
At 13 I taught myself to sew my first dress.
For 1en still learning at home, handwork, crafting, giving music lessons for pocket money, swimming, cycling and rolling shoes, I had taught myself from 6 years ago, in succession.
None, not one makes sense.
So find them, you yourself, not others.
that’s the problem, I don’t think
Would you like to meet the man who’s here on Earth for you?
No, because there is no
Life has infinitely much to offer, even though it may sometimes be hard to recognize that. Every day, new opportunities and surprises are available. Your dreams, wishes and goals give life direction and meaning. They motivate you to continue, even if the path is rocky. Every little target you reach is a step towards something bigger. Believe that your life is a unique story that only you can write.
New day, new happiness.
There’s nothing else to do than live. You’re already in the middle, and even death doesn’t end it. In the sense, it is best to find out.
Your home cat and women and motorcycles and good music and call of duty or good books and torment at sports and good food.
If you write that you don’t need help – then you definitely need it 🥲
Yeah, maybe, but no one can help me out of the Internet, and my mother didn’t even take it seriously when I told her I was Ritze. So don’t care
then my parents will hate me until they fall dead
No one can force you to something you have the Youth Office as a protection
But they will force me to tell them everything
No in this case not what they think is their problem
Joa, my parents think
Don’t you owe no account
Sure, and how do I explain this to my parents? They think that I’m doing great, just because I seem to have everything I need to live
Then a residential community is the best for you with psychologist care
That’s not true. At the beginning of the year I talked to the school social worker about the scratching. And she didn’t have to say anything. But as soon as Slebstmird’s thoughts are concerned, they must tell my parents because they only have a duty to silence as long as it is not about dead
No you’re right on discreet
Yes for the darker
The best answer I got 😂