Was für Fledermäuse sind das?
Bild 1:
Kleine Hufeisennase ?
Bild 2:
Wasserfledermaus ?
Bild 1:
Kleine Hufeisennase ?
Bild 2:
Wasserfledermaus ?
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Ich weiß leider nicht von welchem Baum die sind
Where are the pictures? Currently and made yourself?
Overwintering bats please NOT disturb – all species are also strictly protected!
But back to your question:
For the exact type determination, you need further data (size dimensions, exact location, claw features…) – but, as I said, do not disturb again!
In the case of the horseshoe nose, the small about 75, the large about 100mm long (foot to tip) – this cannot be seen at the photo…
In the case of the mouse ears, which also belong to the water bat, it also depends on the size – especially as regards the delimitation to the very similar pond bat (larger, somehow “strubberiger”, not in southern Germany)… The big feet fit well to your guess, but the carrying (so-called ear lid, i.e. the “things” in the ear) is not good to see in the picture = IMHO, however, it is short, which together with the rather shorter ears and the white belly would also fit the water bat..
Vllt. help you get the information under https://www.google.com/search?q=determination key+fledermaus+winter – especially the pdf-links at the beginning…
But – I’ll say it another three times – please don’t bother again (the lower one has the eyes open!), okay? Thanks, also in the name of Flatterer ;o)
Large or small?
PS: I’m with the bat count, but still new.
DIe lower was active all the time. Because it was also 13°C and that during time are in pairing mood! So don’t nerv!
“Don’t be annoying!”
Nice dealing with someone who has made a lot of effort to answer your question in detail.
I’m sure you’ll find a lot of friends here with your kind.
Oh, nice.
The distinguishing feature I wrote you in…
By the way: horses are particularly sensitive to disturbance…
and what prepares you for “In the case of the horseshoe nose, the small about 75, the large about 100mm long (foot to tip) – this cannot be seen at the photo…” Problems?
approx. 10 cm long
How please do you want someone to know about a picture without a scale?!
…and I’m annoying, remember? …
“Of course: horses are particularly sensitive to disturbance…”
especially against cold, they like rather warm, so we should approve the climate warming or heat up the quarters.
Why are the horses especially supersensitive?
Is it a small or a large horseshoe nose?
The horseshoe nose is to be excluded, because the horseshoe-shaped nose bead is missing.
is it not hidden behind the bat?
On the lower picture you see the nose.
But the upper has the very typical “evolved” attitude of the horses!
right, with closer consideration.