Was für Erfahrungen habt ihr mit einem 150-600mm Contemporary von Sigma gemacht?

Ich will ein 150-600mm Objektiv von Sigma für meine Eos 80d kaufen, aber will vor so einer Anschaffung erstmal sicher sein, dass das Objektiv eine gute Entscheidung ist. Ich weiß zwar, dass das Objektiv nicht wirklich lichtstark ist, aber was ist eure Meinung dazu?

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1 year ago

I know that the lens is not really strong,

That’s the Pudel’s core. We’re both in a similar situation if I understood correctly. I also have the same camera and am in a NABU photo group.

You write:

in the surroundings good wildlife (red game, foxes, special birds etc.) can photograph.

Many animals are only active in twilight, the 80D starts with noise from ISO 1600 and its AF is no longer at the level of time. No problem, you just have to take into account or give up certain things. The sigma has a diaphragm of f/6,3 at the long end. An active animal in the dawn that you want to light with 600 mm is already a challenge and screams for tripod. Depending on the environment and your own habits, the problem could arise.

Recently, someone praised the lens in highest tones, it seems good and sharp. The 600 mm really irritate, but I still keep my Canon EF 100-400mm f/4.5-5.6L IS II USM, which is weatherproof and the 600 mm I cannot irritate. With Crop this would be 960 mm and you are limited in exposure time or ISO. If then the motif still creates motion blur, because it moves like a smaller bird quickly, you have to keep the exposure time as small as possible, but what about aperture and ISO?

Anyway, get in touch with the group and before you buy, look at what there is to see. Then you still came to rent or buy an objective. But then you know what it takes for you and in the situation. Maybe there are even participants who want to sell equipment.

Please do not buy until you know the conditions under which you want to photograph.

1 year ago

Look at pictures on the internet and judge it yourself. By the way, light intensity is not so important at all, at least not in the case of images which are larger in the image. And so bad is the light intensity not at 600mm. There are quite different lenses with f8 and more.

1 year ago

You can rent this lens for days or even a week, then you can safely check if it is the right lens for you.


1 year ago

What do you mean? Of course, you can also build a lens with a continuous intensity of 5.6.

But do you want to drag 6, 7 or even 8 kilograms of glass? And above all, you get such an objective not for 1000€ but for 8-10 times or even more expensive.

In addition, a large open diaphragm can also be difficult in such focal lengths. And if you can’t handle it, the feeling that the lens is crap is quick, the photographer is the problem that he can’t handle it. For at 600 or 800mm and aperture 5.6, the depth range is at a few cm. If you don’t meet the eye of the Singvogel, then suddenly the belly is sharp and everything before and behind is inconvenient. You have to practice this or you’re going to Blend 9. 😉

Now to the lens: It’s okay for the price. Not less. Consider and consider exactly how or what you want to use it. For example, I have made 80-85% of my images with the lens at 600mm and still wished more focal length. So why such a zoom? Now I have the 800mm focal length and I’m mega happy.

And the focal length even makes qualitatively better images.

This fixed focal length does not benefit you from the 80D. So the Sigma Zoom is completely okay.

And you’re not doing anything wrong with that.