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haben träume bedeutungen?
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I’ve seen Magerquark before me.
Ey also wants to say magic
Little calorie, much protein
Saturates Like Sau
I have to try
Absolutely! Are you going to the gym?
100%, likes so (But Skyr better goes away e.g.)
Haha, I turn away
You can find it.
tastes objective as concrete 😀 but is healthy, saturated, is favorable (lowest fat level)
I spoon away or with banane/heidelbeer soso
Of course
& more important is the NEARING
That’s mean, if I had something in front of me, because I’m tied up, I can only look at it.
Chilli Cheese Nuggets, my eternal guilty pleasure;)
For dessert delicious ice cream, please.
Pasta would be fine now. Well, maybe I’ll have something to eat. Didn’t have lunch or dinner yesterday, and now something hungry.
Well, I have a very tasty idea, but I don’t tell, grins!
Paprika chips, sour cream & onion pringles
M&Ms and more!!!! I just got MEGA to eat 😀
So ne Fat Load Chicken Nuggets would already be
But then not so💀
Potatoes with cheese and butter
Tomatoes with mozzarella
Ne Gulaschsuppe and a toast.
Ultra sharp chips 🍟
Boah yes they’d just go straight
Safe 🙏🏽 Needs to buy later urgently.
Mars bar or vanilla ice
With me, Erasco gave chicken noodle soup
20 shell noodles, 5 poplar meat particles, 5 peas & carrot cubes. On half a liter of broth… after that you have to pick up more peeles than you can
Lays chips
Easy nen Kilo Baklava
My partner