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Beobachtet ihr eure Arbeitskollegen, ob sie auch richtig arbeiten?
Ich bin Zugbegleiter und ich gucke und frage immer andere Leute, ob die anderen auch kontrollieren Wenn ich erfahre, dass die Leute ihren Job nicht richtig machen, dann geh ich immer zum Gruppenleiter. Mach ihr das auch. Kontrolliert ihr eure Kollegen auch?
I’ve completed two training courses.
At Deutsche Bahn?
No ðŸTM‚ what should change, however, my health is no longer making the mental burden of the current job in international freight transport with 😔
Jo 🙂
All right, what ðŸTM‚ job change is now nothing unusual in our fast-paced professional life.
I’m sorry
I ask for an understanding that I do not want to publicly call the employer. Thank you, let’s see the DB can’t afford to reject applicants, especially with 11 years of professional experience and countless training.
Oh, well, I hope you find something good :))
What brand?
Hello dear,
I am a learned system integrator, then became software developer and am (Senior) cloud engineer.
Best regards
Do you have a doctrine or are you still superior?
I don’t know yet, I’m still on the sniffing xD
What do you want to do?
I’m still at school xD
Plant mechanic SHK, in October studies as an engineer for energy and building technology
Electronics for energy and building technology and merchant for trade and e-commerce
Teaching completed as klempner
4 years old
8 years old
Now for almost 8 years in security, among other things, in armed object protection
At the moment, I think about going to my hometown to the öpnv to drive ubahn
At Deutsche Bahn?
No. There are many private railway companies in Germany.
A training as a technical designer (machine construction), studies, in which science has been active, then became a teacher.
I studied mechanical engineering and work in the technical planning of a large international company!
Master bwl. Work in nem mega nervigen piff