Was für eine Stromversorgung brauche ich für diesen LED Treiber?
Wie soll sie aussehen?
Wie soll sie aussehen?
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I/P stands for Input, i.e. input voltage. This shall be at least 85 volts and shall not exceed 277 volts. 50/60 Hz indicates AC voltage.
This is probably the mains voltage from the domestic socket.
O/P stands for Outputoutput voltage. This can be between 2 volts and 5 volts. At 85 volt input voltage, the output voltage will be 2 volts and at 277 volt input voltage the output voltage will be 5 volts.
So I can solder the 2 wires to a cable with plug and connect to the socket
Yeah, that should work like that. If you still want to make it nice, press on the two strands and on the core ends of the cable wire end sleeves. Subsequently, a red line each connects to a luster terminal and also connects the power cable to it. Because mains voltage can become dangerous, therefore protect yourself from power failure with properly made connections. As soon as you plug in the power plug, please do not touch any more with your hands or fingers.
the 230V “from the outlet”.
Please note the relevant VDE regulations!
Installation of contact-proof.
Best in the case.
Use cutting clamps.
https://www.amazon.de/Wago-221-413-COMPACT-Connection Terminal-Bet%C3%A4tigungsle/dp/B079VTG7R5
Integrate a fine lock.
So 100mAT
If this is a PC case with good power supply,
you can also use the LEDs without drivers,
directly with an active USB port.
No, USB power supplies have no current limit on 300mA! But this is vital for the LEDs.
The USB from the motherboard is controlled by voltage regulators,
and do not bring much more than 350mA.
USB3 regularly supplies more than USB2.
Can also deliver 500mA and more. I’d be too risky for LEDs. You should not exceed the maximum given current. LEDs are Konstanstrom’s swallower”.
says: you can supply it with power voltage 230V.
The thing is running with a normal mains voltage.
Not between 2 and 5 volts at 0.3A?
It’s a power supply. The 2-5 and 0.3A are the output.
That fits, the power supply does not take up so much power.
The diameter is relevant to the current, not the voltage.
But are 230V not too much tension through these 2 fine wires!???